scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, March 02, 2007
Union Thuggery
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
- Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...
Dems are in office, time for Bush to make 'liberal' use of his veto pen.
3/2/07, 10:51 AM
Anonymous said...
Well simple, 'secret' ballot elections can be 'stolen' - which is the description Dems use for every election they don't win.
3/2/07, 11:03 AM
Anonymous said...
...il capo Pelosi D'Rosso Del'ano,Friend of the Workingman.
3/2/07, 11:11 AM
Anonymous said...
it really is disgusting, especially with this garbage title they gave it, when it means exactly the opposite.
Democrats feel they can lie without any problems...
heard Mitch M. in the Senate will fillibust this piece of poop, and thus the fight in the Senate may get some more focus on the corrupt Dems.
ironic, cause Nancy, who pushes unions on everyone else, doesn't allow them in her hotel, restaurant, etc... -
3/2/07, 11:13 AM
Anonymous said...
Amazingly, we had the same bill pass our Colorado legislature and our democrat gov read the tealeaves and VETOED it. I would have bet the farm it was going to sail through. The dems and unions here blew a gasket. It was a beautiful thing to behold. Gotta say, I have newfound respect for our govenor's political instincts. Really, where are the unions going to go? So next year the same bill will be introduced and he'll solemnly declare that after mucho studying and consulting, it's the "right" thing to do for our poor repressed work force.
I'm surprised at the tin ear of the union bosses to insist to their minions to ram this baby through now.
MM -
3/2/07, 11:45 AM
Anonymous said...
"Well simple, 'secret' ballot elections can be 'stolen' - which is the description Dems use for every election they fail to steal for themselves."
I fixed that for you TVF. I know that's what you ment to say.
GrinfilledCelt -
3/2/07, 1:18 PM
Anonymous said...
Huh? You changed my post? I thought that's what I posted originally.
Man, I need better drugs
3/2/07, 2:00 PM
- curmudgeon said...
If we had more laws, we wouldn't need unions at all.
3/2/07, 3:30 PM
Anonymous said...
We don't 'need' unions now much less with more laws.
3/2/07, 4:05 PM
Anonymous said...
I've been in both the Teamsters and the AFL-CIO (teachers branch, the worst). Hate the damm things.
Nice blinky Hanky there Rodg. We spell her differently, must be a regional difference. -
3/2/07, 7:33 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I fear you are culturally deprived - HANKEY
3/2/07, 9:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Gar, I wish I could say I made this up
In future, Hanky will provide the best equipments and constant excellent after sales And service to every clients and
whom will desire to us continuously.
I do desire Hillary continuously. Toss Mrs. Hanky into the mix, I'm a pig in slop.
Drop the E. Or Not. -
3/3/07, 12:28 AM