Tuesday, March 13, 2007

''We are the TARGET

Muslims are like the street bum you gave a dollar to on your way to lunch. He waits for you every day now, his beg no longer a plea, but a demand.

In New York Muslim cab drivers are refusing service to passengers possessing alcohol or guide dogs.  In Minneapolis, Target Stores cashiers are refusing to ring up bacon.  It goes on, and on.  But, as Charles Johnson noted in the Target Stores link, "but then, this isn't about pork."


Anonymous said...

It appears that LGF is also the Target, the site is temporarily coming up blank.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Yes, the Schlong-o-lanche syndrome.

Anonymous said...

I thought the Schlong-o-lanche syndrome is when the website comes up in bits 'n pieces.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for my next layover in K.C. so I can piss in the in the foot-toilets.

Anonymous said...

Let them eat cake. No service no cash. eff'em.

Anonymous said...

Juice, you sure got on here fast!

Anonymous said...

Hey, what I can't understand OR abide...When you(our government) already know that a prospective immigrant has a philosophy or religion that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States,why in the hell is there a duty,compunction,commitment,or overwhelming urge of being bound and compelled,to let these sub human,middle ages throwback, pedophile fascists into the country at all.What in the name of St Vitus is it gonna take to shake the Homo Erecti we have in charge,to turn their energy toward preserving this country instead of worrying about getting their goddamned names in the 'Internationale' honor role.It's waaaay past the time when we should be picking and choosing,very carefully,each and every new citizen we allow to settle here....Amen

Anonymous said...

Tim, It's called WiFi. Look it up! :D:D

Anonymous said...

Got my 270 Winchester all tuned up and ready for action at a moments notice. I'm ready to start sending these sons of camel jockeys to their god and let him figure out what to do with them. Take out a few of their leaders and they will have no choice but to rise up and show what they're really made of.

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