Friday, April 20, 2007

MMuslimos in our schools.

"As Muslims, we are a nation elected by God to lead humanity."

Yeah-yeah-yeah. First clean up that camel dung.

Last week, I wrote about Minneapolis Community and Technical College, which is planning to install facilities to help Muslim students perform ritual washing before daily prayers. It's a simple matter of extending "hospitality" to newcomers, says President Phil Davis -- no different than providing a fish option in the college cafeteria for Christian students during Lent. -

After reading Katherine Kersten's  ''Ritual-washing area for Muslims at MCTC may be only the beginning,''  I'm banging my head.  Again. Another case  of arrant and compulsive attempted suicide by Liberals unable to discriminate between good and evil.  Well, no, it's not really suicide because their actions will cause the death of countless, and unwilling,  others.  Reckless manslaughter, at best.

The guiding authority the schools president, Phil Davis, is trying to please is the Muslim Accommodations Task Force,

On MSA's website (, the sort of inclusive language used by the Muslim Accommodations Task Force gives way to hard-hitting advice for insiders. One downloadable publication --"Your Chapter's Guide to Campus Activism" -- describes how activists can advance political positions such as "restoring justice within the Palestinian territories," and opposition to the Patriot Act and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The cover features a student with a megaphone, and the slogan "Speak Out! Stand Up! Say It Loud!"

They  trumpet daily victories:
  • The entire Syracuse University campus shuts down to mark the end of Ramadan.
  • At Henry Ford Community College in Dearborn, Mich., "halal" food -- ritually slaughtered and permissible under Islamic law -- is marked by green stickers in the cafeteria and "staff are well-trained in handling practices." 
  • At Georgetown University, Muslim women can live apart in housing that enables them to "sleep in an Islamic setting," 
  • At Cal Berkeley Friday afternoon beheadings are routinely accepted.
Did I make that last one up?  You know, I'm not really sure myself. Why is Minneapolis the center for all this Islamo rabble rousing?  Having Keith Ellison (Democrat and Black Muslim convert)  as a foothold is one reason, I'll guess.  Maybe I'll take him sailing on the Bay.  If you missed it , Confrontation at Concordia is a harbinger of things to come.  Man, there are too many targets out there.


Anonymous said...

Wait a second... Muslims actually wash? If that's the case, why do they always smell like pig feces.

Anonymous said...

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

Stand before the mirror, and ask myself this question. Truthfully, what have I done besides vote and pray? We are all too silent in action. And it may lead us to our slaughter. What's to be done?

Anonymous said...

If they build one, will non-moslems be able to wash up, and pray there as well?

Will atheist be able to wash up, and then spend a few minutes in the prayer room making fun of religion?

If not, then when does the ACLU get involved?

Anonymous said...

But if it's Christians who want to do ritual washing, they get kicked off campus. No, really. It suddenly becomes "unclean" and a form of "hazing".

Anonymous said...

If they are low enough, the other students can use then as urinals. THen you could say that they weren't pro religion.

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