Saturday, April 21, 2007

Pee Shocker

Today's Science

The television show "Mythbusters" busted the myth that peeing on the ''third rail'' will get you electrified, but something made them return to the theme.  Adam peed directly onto an electrified  fence. "It was only a couple seconds before he felt a little shock."   Must have been one pussy of an electrified fence, as you'll see when this Canadian takes a whiz on one at Mont-Joli Airport.


Anonymous said...

The "Pete Granger" quote is a Rip Off.

Anonymous said...

That looked like a potent electric fence - big voltage and amps available. With the snow and all the chain link fence available for a good ground, I guarandamtee you that even a cattle electric fence will be painful or worse if you touch it and you are well grounded.
Don't ask me how I know that, but let's just say I had a long chain stringer of wet fish and soaking wet pants and shoes when I walked up the hill out of Deer Creek in northern Maryland.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

pdwalker said...

Ohhhhhh.... that's gotta hurt!

hotspur666 said...

When I was at Marignane, France, on the water bomber base, we had a fire alert for an event just off base,
a smoke column rising about a mile away under a power line.

This is just where the firebugs set
up their blazes to make the best videos...

And the boys where only too happy to oblige...

See, seawater CONDUCT electricity,
just like urine.

So, after scooping seawater, dumping over the fire through
the power line produce a gigantic
flash, like a mini nuke...

The airplane remain untouched,
so, if you are pissing on an electrical line, you are going
to produce an "interesting"(as the Chinese say)big flash, and if your
feet are well insulated, you will
NOT be part of the fireball.


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