Friday, May 18, 2007

Jodi's Reese

Pulling for Reese

Jodi is a frequent contributor of original contenet to this site.  She sent this yesterday. Do we pray for dogs?  Yes, we do.


I’ll try not to be too long winded.  But, a post
Hucker's Candy
you put up some time ago about your son’s dog dying of twisted stomach has always stayed on my mind.  The day I read that post I told my husband about it…Because, I had never heard of such a symptom and my dog would be susceptible.  He brushed it off as me being paranoid. 

Well, last night my dog that is the politest rott mix you will ever meet started acting peculiar.  I could tell she wasn’t comfortable and in a flash your post about twisted stomach came into mind.  I punched it up in google and saw the symptoms were matching her movements.  I called the ER vet clinic and they said you need to rush her here.  They began surgery right after they ran the blood work, ekg, etc.   Ended up 1/3 of her stomach was removed and she is on guarded condition.  They are not sure if she will survive.  I’m of course sick with worry but the doctor said she would have died if I didn’t bring her in so quickly.

So, I want to THANK YOU and your son for allowing that post to happen.  Reese would not be here right now if I had not read that story.  I’m just praying she will continue to recover and we will be able to take her home.  So from my family to yours we send much love.



MitchM said...

I'm praying for Reese too. A shout out to God for my Kitty Cleopatra would be appreciated also, she has a bad bladder infection which can be fatal for cats real quick. She's been my buddy for almost ten years and it's really pitiful to see a big guy like me brought to tears by a ten pound ball of fluff. She's a good bird dog too, follows commands and everything. Vocal and hand signals. She'll let a bird come up to 3' and won't attack until I point or snap my fingers. Talk about torture! I can point at a child and give the command "kill" and she'll run straight at em and then stops to be petted while the child is usually trying to stop screaming. I love that game. It's a great way to meet people, the parents are usually laughing pretty hard.

Anonymous said...

Jodi, That is one handsome, dignified looking dog there. God's grace upon Reese, and His blessings for you also.
I also remember Rodger's posts on the family dogs they lost. All comments at the time seemed to share understanding for dogs loved and lost. Peace.

Gayle Miller said...

Jodie - how could we NOT pray for that absolutely splendid creature in the pictures? Reese looks like one of those dogs you just want to hang out with on a regular basis! So yes, my prays for Reese and for Kitty Cleopatra are wending their way to the proper recipient!

Anonymous said...

That is one cool lookin' dog.

Peter said...

Prayers up from northeast Texas for a good dog and the attack cat.

Anonymous said...

Neat dog. My son lost an Akita to a stomach torsion--more common to big dogs than I knew. They are part of the family--why wouldn't we pray for them, too!

I would like to meet that puddy.


MOMinuteMan said...

Not being the religious type, I don't pray, but being a doggie daddy to a 1/2 Chow 1/2 Minicollie named Josie and her pup who's 1/2 "Josiedog" and 1/2 Heinz 57 named Harley, Reese has all my best thoughts and hopes for a speedy recovery.

And if it adds any more good karma, one of my best friends is named Jodi.

And for the Gen's cat, I've always thought cat people were a little off in the head, my brother is one, but if you have a trained attack cat, that's good enuff for me.

Those aloof snobbish cats can kiss my ass though.

Anonymous said...

Rodger, you've always been my hero.

Anonymous said...

Preacher Bill Rice was once castigated by another preacher for praying for one of his horses. Dr. Rices reply " I wouldn't own an animal that I wouldn't pray for."

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone, Kitty is doing much better it appears. She's definitely not an aloof cat. She's a very friendly furperson. And yes I am a little off in the head, that's why I hang with you guys. That was actually intended as a compliment.

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