Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Lights Over Rotterdam

Lights Over Rotterdam

I think Sulzberger is on the top story

Each spotlight represents the location of a bomb strike suffered by Rotterdam during WWII.  I'm frankly surprised by their paucity ...


skh.pcola said...

Thanks for my snickerdoodle moment of the day. Back to studying...

Anonymous said...

Just one thing. Do you guys really have a B52?

Rodger the Real King of France said...


Kim du Toit said...

Waddya mean "you guys"?

You some kinda Commynist spy?

Anyway, Rodge, I still haven't had an answer to my request to add some door guns to the Buff, for some post-bombing low-level strafing of survivors.

And door guns look cool.

Anonymous said...

Not a spy... Just a guy wanting to know if there actually is a B-52...And if I can be part of the ground crew. LOL

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