Friday, June 01, 2007

The Good Bush

And Now, The "He's smarter than any Democrat" Bush


MoFiZiX Gr4FiX said...

There are some things today that are simply unacceptable. Offering olive branches to those who are committed to evil is one of them. History has shown that when you offer cease fires to a bunch of murderous thugs and Muslim extremists, more bloodshed follows. Just look at the problems the Israelis are continuing to have with those who seek their absolute destruction. Is it any wonder why there never seems to be any permanent resolution with that region of the world? Offering concessions to terrorists is like giving freedoms to disobedient children. You give them an inch, they’re always determined to take a mile.

All a cease fire does is give the bad guys a chance to regroup and rearm for the next battle. The Israeli war against the terrorists in souther Lebanon last summer and the chaos in the Gaza Strip following the “land for peace” deal was proof positive of that obvious fact. Not to mention what happened in Fallujah, Iraq. The cease fire agreement with the insurgents after the first time we went in there to root them out didn’t work and our forces had to go in there a second time, which translated into more casualties for our troops. Since the second invasion, military control has been backed off and today, “Mookie” al Sadr is back to his old tricks by whipping up American resistance and anti-democratization forces.

Olive branches don’t work! The only way for peace to exist is for there to be total and complete victory over evil! There are NO other acceptable options!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I just reread the posted story to see where all this olive branch stuff was. Still don't find it. Help me.

Anonymous said...

Olive branches?

BDS is growing even more bizarre then imagined.

MoFiZiX Gr4FiX said...

Meanwhile, the AP reports the US military is "working more aggressively to forge cease-fires with Iraqi militants and quell the violence around Baghdad, judging that 80 percent of enemy combatants are 'reconcilable,'" Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno said Thursday. The Financial Times notes Gen. Odierno "cautioned that he did not want to be 'too optimistic' about the prospects for success," a point noted in USA Today. ABC World News reported, "So far, the talks have not included anyone tied to al Qaeda but General Odierno says he doesn't rule that out." As a "price for peace the insurgents are demanding jobs, pension and amnesty for their fighters, including those who have killed Americans. That's hugely controversy."

Sorry Rodge, sounds like we are offering concessions to a bunch of borderline terrorists and insurgents who will just use this as an opportunity to regroup and rearm. They don't want American occupation any more than they want al-Qaeda occupation, but the fact is that these fucktards are continuing to do Iran's bidding (who also dislikes al-Qaeda) just so that we can be preoccupied while the Iranians continue their nuke program. I say fuckem! Lay down the law, kick ass and take names. The enemy of our enemy has often proved in the past not to make a good ally. What say you?

Anonymous said...

That's not what's happening. We're pacifying the populace. To some degree that means bringing former enemies into the tent. That's not surrender, that's "turning" them.


Anonymous said...

Olive branches work best when applied as my mama applied willow branches to my calves.

Best believe it straighened my ass out.

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