Saturday, June 09, 2007

How the F*** did they get elected?

These New Yorkers do, finally, answer one question satisfactorily



Anonymous said...

It's not surprising New Yorkes live a bubble, since thier elected officals do as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what bothered me more. The fact that these people don't know, or that the audience is laughing about their ignorance.

Anonymous said...

After that display of voter awareness, I think I'll go take a Schumer.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, this is the reason libs believe they are the smartest people in the room. Ugh....

Anonymous said...

"After that display of voter awareness, I think I'll go take a Schumer."
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Hey Tailgunner! Don't forget to wipe your Hillary!


Anonymous said...

"Sir...Ma'am..Whad'ya want on your tombstone?"

SherryM said...

That is just sad, even if it did not happen exactly 6 days and 16 hours after My 29th birthday I would still remember it. My sister woke Me up by calling, screaming in the phone to turn on the news just in time to see the other plane hit.. What ever happened to "We will never forget."

Anonymous said...

Thanks Len! That will add some more joy to the moment.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

MitchM said...

Unfortunately, every now and then people like these get fired up and decide to vote, then we end up with Clintons and Carters in office.

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