Saturday, June 09, 2007


Local Crime

Yeah - SNL

Rockville alluded to this incident in Annapolis where police raided a house and --what? Guess? 

That's right.  Wrong house, and they beat and humiliated the owners before saying it was  "regrettable" error.  Indeed. This happens so often that all of sou knew what was coming.  It seems to me that the cops never have to make amends ($$$) for this reckless behavior, but I may be wrong on that score.  And no, I am not picking on the police, just the bad ones.


Anonymous said...

This happens more and more as we arm our police like they're the military and allow "No-Knock" raids in cases when it's really not needed. Most criminals can be more safely apprehended while coming/going from their residence or work. G*d help you if you don't realize it's the police smashing in your door and you fire back. Just ask Cory Maye in Mississippi, he's on death row for shooting a cop when they raided his apartment. Regardles of the arguement as to whether or not the police actually announced who they were, they went in on the wrong side of a duplex and never should have been there to begin with.
Here's an interesting map of incidents in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

I’m with Heinlein. There is something immoral and indecent about anyone prepared to work for the government, and I include coppers, congressmen and GWB. These people need pruning, not praising.

‘Public servant’ my ass. Public leech is more like it. I like term limits for low level functionaries like cops more than for legislators. 10 years and out. Into the world where you have to be employed by one of the people you have shat upon for those 10 years.

Anonymous said...

AS David Spade would say in his Showbiz Show, "There. I said it"
I make my point on the above comments:

IMO, time limits on public safety officials would mean more danger to the public. I want cops with time on the job. I personally shook hands, and thanked for serving. our CHP neighbor. They never know who's gonna pull a gun on a stop and kill them for something routine.
If there were term limits on such a job...I fear we would find ourselves inadequately protected.

Even carpenters, plumbers, electricians or masons, can make the work look easy due to experience. Time on the job is invaluable. Look to the desk jockeys who call the shots and give the orders to make your complaints with.

Anonymous said...

But seriously find yourself "adequately protected" now??

Anonymous said...

You know the saying Anonymous, "Where's a cop when you really need one?"

Anonymous said...

If you look into the Cory Maye case, rather than relying on what Radley Balko claims, you'll find:

The police possessed valid search warrants for both units of the duplex - a fact that Balko himself now grudgingly admits.

They knocked and announced before entry.

Cory Maye's lights went on when they knocked.

They found illicit drugs in Maye's possession.

Cory Maye was provided competent legal counsel.

His defense filed pre-trial motions to contest the validity of the search warrant and to suppress the evidence found during the search, both of which were heard and denied.

He was tried and convicted by a jury of his peers.

You might also ask yourself why - if these cops were so evil - didn't they summarily execute the armed Maye after he shot one of their officers.

And Fred Z, it surely must suck to be you.

Anonymous said...

Fred Z You are feckless undiserning piece of Trash! people like you are the The yen to Lon Hurichi's yang.

Rob In AK

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