Monday, June 11, 2007



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Arabic instruction historically has been available at universities, and mosques and Islamic schools, where the faithful study the language to read the Koran.

But the federal government is pushing to expand Arabic instruction in public schools. Many believe understanding the Middle East and Islam is critical to America's national security.
District Wants to Provide Options [San Diego public school offers Arabic classes]

Muslim groups like CAIR are testing our political will with demands for things like pre-prayer foot baths in public places (like those being built in Minneapolis and Kansas City).  Here we have a case where a substitute teacher blew the whistle on what's going on in San Diego's Carver Elementary School.  State paid prayer leaders daily minister to Muslim students, segregated by gender, on school time.  This video shows a news report of what's being demanded, followed by Roger Hedgecock's interview with the substitute teacher who is now facing disciplinary action for raising the alarm.

Pretend that CA was employing Catholic priests to lead students in prayer, and ask how many seconds it would take for the ACLU injunction.  Since the ACLU is not heard from here, wouldn't it be fair to say that have something of an agenda ... ? \</rhetorical>


Anonymous said...

First an invasion of immigrants who hate us, now they breed like rabbits and our country rots from inside. Unless something dramatic changes, and soon, we're going to look like a Soviet satellite state.

Anonymous said...

I maybe banned, or be put on an FBI/CIA watch list. But these fucking rag headed camel jockeys need to be wiped off the face of the earth before they do so to us.

LifeBeginsAt200MPH said... the nth degree

Anonymous said...

Yep, obvious to anyone with a connection to reality - this does not include the spoiled rich folks that serve as politicians - certainlty not statesmen.

Especially senior el presidente jorge...

Rodger the Real King of France said...

More appropriately, those administrators, and factotums who show a willingness to deal with these people should be dealt with locally, by locals, and with great alacrity. Our government has neither the will nor the "legal" means to protect us.

Anonymous said...

Ever read Robert Ferrigno's "Prayers for the Assassin"?

Prayers for the Assassin is a political thriller, and a work of speculative fiction, written by American crime writer Robert Ferrigno. The story is set in 2040, after economic strife and a pair of nuclear attacks have led to civil war, causing the United States to split into two hostile and competing nations: one a moderate Islamic republic with its capital in Seattle, the other a breakaway Christian Bible Belt built on the ashes of the former Confederacy and with its capital in Atlanta.

Anonymous said...

Chuck Martel said...

Ever read Robert Ferrigno's "Prayers for the Assassin"?

Prayers for the Assassin is a political thriller, and a work of speculative fiction, written by American crime writer Robert Ferrigno. The story is set in 2040, after economic strife and a pair of nuclear attacks have led to civil war, causing the United States to split into two hostile and competing nations: one a moderate Islamic republic with its capital in Seattle, the other a breakaway Christian Bible Belt built on the ashes of the former Confederacy and with its capital in Atlanta.

^^ Now that's irony. And to be honest a Civil war needs to happen if we're ever going to put these lefties back in their place.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Thanks Chuck ... see above post

Anonymous said...

Would someone come and help me get this fucking camel out of here. Its .... got.... it's front....legs..... in.... now!!

MitchM said...

Sooner or later the shit will hit the fan and then these camel jockey's will see what a bunch of backwoods countryf*cks can do with a shotgun a rifle and a four wheel drive. Sheeet, it'll be like flashlightin' jackrabbits. Won't even know what got 'em.

Anonymous said...

GenCpl Rilerite, what would the catalyst for the shit hitting the fan be?

Anonymous said...

dealt with locally.... with great alacrity.
Nice turn of phrase Rodger. Sorta like "with extreme prejudice," no?
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Amazing video...


And some seem interested in empowering the folly, by enabling the Democrat Party.

Anonymous said...

Dhimmitude is voluntary.
--Bat Ye'or

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