Saturday, June 09, 2007

Kidding Around - In the good way

YOOTS of Note


This is something to be happy about.  I don't know how old righthandgirl Cynthia from Texas is, but she's young, smart and politically engaged (watch her most recent video above).  Have you heard of Kristen Byrnes? Regular contributor to this blog Fred W clued me in..

Hello Rodger
15-year old Byrnes Outsmarts Nasa's Global Warming Alarmist
Interesting article/posts referencing a report by a 15 year old young lady

I was a Military Meteorologist. She as right on in her report. In the last 30 years, with the closure of military bases and cutbacks at NWS, much data is now submitted from back yard weather watchers and most of it is garbage. Garbage in, Garbage out.

Fred W

Al Gore lap dog James HansenWow. Ponder the Maunder contains her body of work.  Maunder.  Doesn't that describe Al Gore to a fare-thee-well?   In her first paper Kristen dissected Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth."  Her just published follow-up {Houston, we have a problem] examines his relationship with his science guru, Senior Scientist at NASA GISTS, James Hansen.
You may remember Hansen accusing the Bush administration of trying to muzzle him about his views on global warming,  when  pretty much the exact opposite is true.

 There's an old joke I've used before here, about the CEO interviewing for a new Head Accountant.  Applicants were asked "How much is 1+1?" until finally one answered correctly, "How much do you want it to be?" and was hired.  That's pretty much the state of our science today.  Federal grant money is disproportionately given to scientists willing to work backward from a "politically correct" answer to the supporting "science" Hansen is among the sellouts. Young Miss Byrnes exposes his links to Gore, and leftist money.  Mr. Hansen is now Kristen Byrnes' bitch.

Finally we have the veteran of this no-brat pack, Ian Schwartz, the "Political Teen."   Ian had a blog as the political teen, then opened a video blog "Expose the Left, " which evolved into Michelle Malkin's  Hot Air. Ian has retired from HA and started a new blog, also video-centric,  at

But wait!  That's not all!  Last week over breakfast my seven-year old grandson was able to explain to me why Ty Cobb is his favorite baseball player.  Ty Cobb!  The country is in far better shape than we might think from watching the adults behaving badly. 


The Old Man said...

Well? WHY is Cobb his favorite? I know what I think (very competitive hard player of his time) but what did he say?

Anonymous said...

At each of our kids' military training graduations, the powers that be thanked the parents for turning out such great young people.
Same goes here for the parents of Kristen and Ian and grandson. Thanks for this fine USA-UAS_USA moment. :)

Rodger the Real King of France said...

He explained that Cobb was not a very nice person in person, but was a terrific base runner and great hitter.

Anonymous said...


really impressive.

thanks for this.

JUICE says it quite well.

take that Nancy and Osama.

you can fool some of the folks sometime, but you can't defeat the Young Americans.

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