Friday, June 08, 2007

Musical Bars

Look at the upside

You know, I don't get any particular thrill out of seeing the rich and famous sent to prison, but WTF is wrong with this girl?  I'm a big fan of her movies, but sheesh.  This girl's freaking sick. And she ought to do the full 70 (90?) days too. Paris can make a "Girls in Prison" movie when she gets out that will be the best of all "Girls in Prison" movies ever.


Anonymous said...

or "The Girls of the Greybar Hilton."

rico567 said...

It is instructive that this society is so confused to see physical beauty and total depravity inside the same skin.

Anonymous said...

Paris who?

How about some actual news from Rodger's neck of the woods.

"Sorry about the grenades and the kick in the groin. Our bad."

Anonymous said...

I go down to my local Pub every Friday night and play "Pub Trivia". Tonight when they were through (and before they turned the juke box back on), I got up and made an announcement:

"I guess a lot of you did not hear the news today, but Paris Hilton was told to go back to jail."

(loud cheers)

"Paris screamed when the judge informed her of that and then yelled to 'Mommie' and balled her eyes out all the way back to jail. Could you all bow your heads a repeat after me:



Anonymous said...

C'mon, have some pity on the woman. She's only crying because she found that her cellmate is none other than... Rosie!

Anonymous said...

I do not hate this girl as so many people seem to for some reason. But having said that 45 days is not very much time at all in Tennessee for a second driving on revoked you probably would get six months. It being a second driving on revoked behind a DUI no question you get six months. Another one and you are indicted as a habitual motor offender and get a year in prison. This girls mother really is the one that should be sent to prison with her.

Anonymous said...

Roger, you sure attract a hard-hearted crowd. It's wrong to send beautiful women to jail, just like it's wrong to buy fat women dinner.

Anonymous said...


F*ck that!

I'll send Paris to jail (for life!) and I would NEVER! Take Rosie to dinner.....


Anonymous said...

The fact that we even know her fricken name or are subjected
to her Fricke depraved life style is just beyond me. The LAmestrream Media would rather we focus on this sort crap than the fact the Clinton's former national security advisor Sandy Burger stole Top Secret documents (That deal with the lead up to this current war- IE OSAMA and Clinton) and was able to wiggle out by loosing his law license- I didn't realize those were a get out of jail free card.

Feckless press that is the propaganda tool of not only the leftist but Al Qaeda.
And a feckless society for even giving the "media" a once of attention.
The Press drags Americans down.
Rob in AK

Anonymous said...

A question for YOU in the know...?...Is the guy, making the excuses, from the Sheriff's department for the pitiful Paris, actually the brother of James Whitmore?

Anonymous said...

No, I'm NOT in disguise, just can't type.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous says "It's wrong to send beautiful women to jail." What does this homely POS have in common with beauty? I have never, ever, been able to see why that skinny, dumb, overindulged trollop is thought of as attractive. As my platoon sgt. used to say, I would'nt touch that thing with a vaccinated crowbar.

Anonymous said...

IMHO she is a heroin or other drug addict and was/is going through withdrawal.

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