Sunday, June 03, 2007

Relevance of Lindsay Lohan

Me Too

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


* almost as much as C&S.

i understand the frustrations with immigration, don't feel the hyperbole is productive.

but from my point of view, i would really like to see the same angst directed at liberal Democrat Partisans for trying to undermine the GWOT.

i would like to see the same anger, directed toward Pelosi for her vivid lie, that 'al Qaeda is not in Iraq', or Rosie's crap that there is no terrorist threat, Hillary's deceit about her vote - as well as Iraq being a distraction, Edwards bumper sticker nonsense.

i think of all the US SOLDIERS everyday, and wish some of the same emotion (as the immigration issue) was directed towards this monstrous Enemy and the Donks who are enabling the threat we face.

in my opinion, if the same level of disgust was demonstrated by Conservatives towards unethical Democrats debasing the USA in the GWOT, as many do for Immigration, we would win this War alot quicker.

of course, maybe i need another shot of JD, to clear my senses.

meanwhile sources are suggesting the GOP is being abandoned, and i fear another 92 embarrassing empowerment of the Clinton Negligence is possible.


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