Sunday, June 10, 2007



SherryM said...

Give Me what I want and I'll go away. lol.

MitchM said...

Had a big white German Shepherd named Lady when I was a kid. She had a litter in the basement and one winter morning we hear this awful comotion outside. It was not Santa as we had suspected. Instead it was a skunk which had ventured into the basement looking for a warm place. Bad choice. There were pieces of skunk all over the backyard. Never even had a chance to spray or it could have been a pet with no glands.

Anonymous said...

cascade idaho circa 1995 friend thinks he has a "skunk" eating the dog food every night,so have several of the nieghbors, he warns his wife to be on the lookout for said skunk, leaves a .22 pistol by the door for possible use during emergany skunentepty.
couple nights later his wife with a quavering voice calls him to the door to help- not a squnk but a rather large black bear is eating the dog food-

Anonymous said...

Senator Cecil 'stinky' Pennygretch enjoys lunch with a constituent.

Anonymous said...

As a Massachusetts Republican said, when asked why no one did anything about a certain Massachusetts Democrat: "You can find someone who wants to take on a lion. But no one wants to take on a skunk."

-- Bob Hawkins

Anonymous said...

When I saw the picture above I broke out laughing right away at the poor mistreated dog patiently awaiting his turn for some fair play....No critter on Earth can put on as much a downtrodden face as the wonderful dog and I'm sure it has to have been the source of the expression, 'dog face' for the long suffering and never quitting, American soldier.

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