Friday, June 01, 2007

Technology to the rescue from technology

"Shot Guard" Underwear Foils Freaky Photographers

Hey, I resent that term Freaky
They didn't work.

Thanks to new "Shot Guard" underwear from Cramer Japan, female athletes, students and children are now protected from infrared photography. Yes indeed, Japan's legendary "hentai" (perverts) have found a new way to get their jollies: snapping photos
Those bastards!
of female athletes through their sports wear. It seems that these Bizarro Superman wannabes are adapting the night-function capabilities of ordinary camcorders to take infrared photos of unsuspecting women & children in the daytime. Since infrared radiation (known to us regular folks as heat) is emitted by the skin, the modified cameras can record the surface of said skin. The result is kind of dark and grainy, much like the thoughts of the perverted paparazzi.

Luckily, word of this nefarious practice somehow got back to the creative geniuses at Cramer Japan , one of the country's largest sportswear manufacturers. It wasn't long before Cramer's technicians came up with an effective way to beat the heat and promptly took "Shot Guard" underwear to market. According to Cramer Japan's president Takashi Hokazono, "By introducing conditions that make photography more difficult, the number of malicious photographers will decrease." I wouldn't bet on it, Takashi, but certainly "Shot Guard" underwear should provide a little peace of mind to female athletes and students who worry about inadvertently auditioning for too-candid camera.


Anonymous said...


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Looks like Indian stuff to me.

Anonymous said...

What he said (Japanese, not Indian) was, "I'll give you more details later on the page you are looking at."


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