Monday, July 09, 2007

Betting against America

We have to do something ...

Shazzzam ... you're toast Harry

Give the 'Surge' a Chance

Wall Street Journal
July 9, 2007; Page A15

This week, Democrats on Capitol Hill are expected to present several different bills meant to undermine the war in Iraq. I fear that it will be difficult for Americans to discern the facts, as members on the Hill (including some Republicans) will revisit past failures and lament unfortunate losses rather than undertake a serious critique of the new counterinsurgency strategy.

Why? Because for some members of Congress, there is a growing fear that Gen. David Petraeus just might have a winning strategy in Iraq. [Full]

I'm going to try the Voodoo Ultimate Revenge Spell.First victim ... Harry Reid. Will this be prosecuted as a homicide?  If so, I'll change the spell to, I don't know, severe acne?  But, maybe not.  I'm not making light of this.  By betting their political future on us losing a war, democrats have earned any ill that befalls them. 


Anonymous said...

At least Gen. Petraeus HAS a plan.

Reid and Pelosi's strategy of run and hiding their heads in the ground worked SO well against the Axis in 1940....

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Nuh-uh. They have a strategy. Deny George Bush, and by extension the country, a victory. That plan is documented in strategy memos. Not so long ago these participants would be imprisoned, if not executed.

Anonymous said...

Stop reading my mind.


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