Saturday, July 21, 2007

Dumber than green snot

From the wonderful people
who elected Her Filthiness

Spring Valley, N.Y., Mayor George Darden won't be facing state civil or criminal charges for hiring illegal aliens to work on an urban revitalization project in his village, but Department of Labor officials informed him yesterday that the $10 an hour he paid 10 men doesn't comply with the state's prevailing wage law and taxpayers will have to pay the illegals the difference of about $30 an hour. [Invasion USA]
HaHaHa New Yorkers are so phucking stoopido
I'm ashamed for them.


Anonymous said...

That's just un-effin' believable.

Anonymous said...

J.C.Krist. If New York state has a $40.00 an hour wage law, what the hell are we doing out here?

skh.pcola said...

I'm going with JMcD to rake in $80 grand of sweet taxpayer loot holding up a shovel or picking weeds. That is the sweetest deal EVAH! No wonder those returds are broke and looking to tax air.

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