Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Man Who Lived Too Long

Just in case you awoke this morning with no desire to administer love taps with a razor blade encrusted baseball bat to a certain "worst person ever to have been president¹" ...

Bill Clinton also says Libby pardon a farce

(it wasn't a pardon, it was a commutation)

July 5, 2007

Des Moines, Iowa - Former President Bill Clinton says President Bush's decision to spare ex-White House aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby from prison differed from his own administration's pardon controversy.

Former President Bill Clinton says President Bush's decision to spare ex-White House aide Lewis Scooter Libby from prison differed from his own administration's pardon controversy.

"You've got to understand, this is consistent with their philosophy," Clinton said during an interview on Des Moines news-talk station WHO. Bush administration officials, he said, "believe that they should be able to do what they want to do, and that the law is a minor obstacle."

"It's wrong to out that C.I.A. agent and wrong to try to cover it up," Mr. Clinton added. "And no one was ever fired from the White House for doing it."

Note:  The CIA agent was not covert; Libby had nothing to do with it; there was no underlyong crime. Aside from that ... .

¹ George Will


Anonymous said...

It's a message that plays well to the demoncrat base of thugs/liars, and outright dolts.


Anonymous said...

On a related note, some traditions never die:

Anonymous said...

But these *were* pardons and OK, I guess:

I'm no fan of bushes anymore, but I don't think he banked millions off commuting one sentence (that should have never even been charged in the first place).

klintoons, cartahs{spit} - all a dangerous waste of oxygen that my pets could put to far better use.

Anonymous said...

Aside from that, the Clintons facts pulled from their selective amnesiac memories are sorta....well, actually still filthy lies.

Given the Clintons' perfidy, long list of near misses on getting caught, and who knows how many yet uncovered scandals, you would think they would have sense enough to shut up and let this one pass given Bush is not running again. But nooo, they are compulsive liars and self-appointed experts on everything, perpetually in campaign mode, so they had to get their whacks in. I so wish the list of offenders he pardoned on his last day in office were all over the MSM as it should be. Both Clintons deserve a huge bitch slap for even commenting on this issue.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

I NEVER want to read the words "Clinton" and "probe" again in the same sentence. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, he's already fading into obscurity. Thank God.

"It's Bob Barker!"


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