Friday, July 06, 2007

New Dollar Goof

A Numismatist's Dream


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Not a goof. They're the ACLU appeasement collection.

Anonymous said...

Could be part of a plan to create demand for these coins. The last few times the government tried inflicting a dollar coin on us they flopped hard.

Anonymous said...

Demand? I think not.
The problem with the last dollar coin is that it looked like a freakin' Disneyland token -- a big doe-eyed woman clutching a baby.
And if I am not mistaken that was the first US coin with someone other than an American citizen on it: Sacajawea. (She was Lemhi-Shoshone Indian, not American).
And the reason she was chosen was because the Susan B Anthony coin was a notorious flop. Can't you just hear the hand-wringing castrated girly-men at the Treasury Dept. saying "but... but... we HAVE to choose a woman!"

And have you seen the paper money recently? It looks like European money and thatt's embarassing. We need to return to greenbacks, with engraved Greek columns and leaves and all that shit. THAT looks like money. This new stuff looks like a paper ticket to a broadway production of Queer Eye. All sparkly and multicolored. "festive" is not a word that should be applied to money.

The treasury and/or US Mint needs to knock off the PC bullshit and put a real leader on there, something I can be proud to carry.
I want a General George S Patton dollar coin.

Or, failing that, put that Mohammed bomb-head caricature on there just to piss off terrorists. I'd laugh every time I spent it.

Anonymous said...

"the Susan B Anthony coin was a notorious flop"

That's because it's dayum near impossible to get a $1 coin to stay in a g-string.

Anonymous said...

That's why I use pennies. Until they ask me to leave, that is.

Anonymous said...

Please don't insult the native Americans by dissin' Saccajamima. If it were not for her and her delicious flapjacks, the settlers might have starved to death.

Unknown said...

Rodger, I think I pre-empted a email to you on this on 5 July.
I super nevah rarely evah forward emails unless they are:
1) True or 2) Needed to be de-bunked.

If you read the "official" info on what happened becasue there was a legitimated mint error you'll also learn as I did that this series that is going to be produced has the "E Pluibus Unum" and most importantly "In God WE Trust" is being "edged incused inscriptions." Here's the Offical link directly to the U.S. Mint:$1coin/index.cfm?flash=yes&action=Washington That page shows the Washington with all views as does the main page link to the other Presidents:$1coin/index.cfm

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