Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Rusted Dream

I like the way he thinks though


Anonymous said...

Saw that movie on Tuesday. Absolutely incredible. Very little talking and a lot of blowing stuff up. And the talking scenes usually had one of two incredibly hot babes. Can't complain about that.

Serioulsy though, after the movie, when the credits started, there was applause in the theater. That is so rare now.

Go see it, if nothing else for the transformers transforming. That was incredible.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Not only didn't I know this was a movie still, I still don't know what movie it's from. The Transformers?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Rodger, I didn't mean to mislead. I didn't think it was a movie still. I took it as one persons tribute to the Transformers movie.

A pretty cool statue no doubt. Kind of a redneck version of the toy. Needs some beer cans though. :)

Seriously though, the real Transformers movie was incredible. Absolutely unbelievable.

Anonymous said...


There's a guy in Alaska building his own Mech. Similar, but not as cool looking, IMO. More like the powered lift in Alien.

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