Monday, August 20, 2007


Blue Smoke

Amazing Stuff
Aerogel was created in 1931, and is, as I understand it, the product of replacing the water in silica with carbon dioxide.  Or something like that.  Anyway, it's amazing stuff, with an amazing potential.  What?  You don't like my explanation?  Here, they're looking for an  an expert on the subject. In the meanwhile, I'm going to dream up new things to do with it once the economy of large scale production makes it the same price as wool.


Anonymous said...

Fascinating, Mr. Wizard! Followed your link and Googled it, too. Amazing protective capacities once it can be produced in larger quantities for lesser amountities $$$.
"...can withstand a direct blast of 1 kilogram of dynamite and protect against heat from a blowtorch at more than 2,400 degrees Fahrenheit." Hopefully our military can put it to everyday use for boots on the ground.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm. Is this a potential diet food? I'm thinking roughage. Might work.Of course you wouldn't want it to actually 'stick to your ribs'.

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