Monday, August 20, 2007

Cow Joke

 A Joke

Usually, women hate it when cows sniff their crotchal regions

An(sic) European once visited a deep site vaiilage in an African jungle. He learned from the people that there is an illiterate villager who counts very fast and says immediately the exact number of the cows crowded in front of him. The European visited that man to check.

He was extremely surprised to see that the villager was counting and telling the true number of the cows, may be the figure hundred or two hundred even,in a fraction of minute ! He could not believe. Then he asked that man and wanted to know, afterall "how" he was surely saying the numbers of the cows so fast?

The uneducated villager calmly answered : 'Very simple. I indeed first count the total number of the legs and then divide it by four." - by Harnish Kansara, Ahmedabad, India, World's Funniest Jokes


MOMinuteMan said...


guinspen said...

I am being here all week. Please to be tried the veal.

Anonymous said...

A golfer was sitting in the 19th hole nursing a nasty head wound and his third G&T when one of his pals spots him. "What in the name of all that's holy happened to you?", he asked.

"You know on thirteen the cow pasture, and you know how when that wicked hook I have kicks in." says the golfer."Oh man, a cow?", asked the pal.

"No, I was looking for my ball, and some gal was looking for hers also. After a minuts I saw a cow with a ball in it's butt, but is was a Titelist #2, I play Prostaffs. So I lift the cows tale and ask the broad, "Does this look like yours.","And thats when she hit me with a seven iron.".

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Now see, that's the kind of give-back we look for.

Anonymous said...

"Well girls,I say even with that Holstein pattern,that skinny little heifer wont give a quart a day."

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