Monday, August 20, 2007

Code Commie

 Code Pink

If any woman deserves to be smacked around ....
John Murtha and Code Pinkers
A New York Times best-selling author says members of the supposed "peace movement" delivered hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and supplies to terrorists engaged in a bloody street battle against United States Marines in Iraq.

The latest book by Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson (U.S. Air Force-Ret.) is called War Crimes: The Left's Campaign to Destroy Our Military and Lose the War on Terror. In the book, he claims that two anti-war groups -- "United for Peace & Justice" and "CODEPINK: Women for Peace" -- literally gave aid and comfort to terrorists when they delivered $600,000 in cash and supplies they claim was humanitarian aid to civilians.

According to Patterson, Congressman Henry Waxman (D-California) facilitated the transaction for CODEPINK by signing a letter allowing them to get the cash and supplies into Fallujah. [GOPUSA]

John Murtha

This incident is included in "Discover the Networks" Code Pink assessment. The only gummint in history, that I can think of, that had so many openly treasonous members (who were not shot outright) was in 1861 United States, and they at least had the good sense to resign their seats and move to the enemy camp.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

As a Christian gentleman, and law abiding citizen, I cannot support the murder of these miserable Pink MFCS bitches. But, I can support a tribunal that tries them for treason, and fomenting treason, and then shoots them. Yeah, that works for me.

Anonymous said...

One shoots spies.
One hangs traitors.

Anonymous said...

So do we hang then shoot Waxman?

Anonymous said...

The list is probably pretty long by now.

How much longer is this crap going to go on?

Where is the breaking point?

MoFiZiX Gr4FiX said...

Must I reiterate my position?

Anonymous said...

Let me do it. I won't even blink and you know I have it in me......



Kim du Toit said...


I'm neither a Christian nor a gentleman. Gimme the machine-gun and stand clear.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

You sir, are a patriot! Carry on and there'll be erections in your honor.

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