“ | The
NBC Nightly News anchor is in New Orleans on the second Katrina
anniversary. He appeared on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" at 7:30 A.M. EDT.
Williams first passed along a predictable race-and-classed based
explanation of the botched relief efforts.
BRIAN WILLIAMS: That's when human life started to
degrade. That's when people ran out of of bathroom facilities and
started having to use the entire [Superdome]: no power, no circulating
air, and worse, no information from the outside world. Somebody said
"they [the victims] just weren't worth it." (Who was that 'somebody' Brian? Al Sharpton?)
A bit later, Williams offered up this defense of armed looting.
WILLIAMS: The looting we witnessed downtown, you
could hear gunfire in the streets of the 25th-largest city in the
United States. We keep saying human behavior degraded that week. There
was a desperation that you can only get when you're the head of a
family. You don't know where a meal is going to come from, you can't
find bottled water. You don't know how you're going to get your family
to high ground. [MORE + VIDEO]
| ” |
Okay, I happen to agree with Williams on this point. When you're the
head of a family you protect, feed and shelter them. Period. From
memory, it seems to me that grocery chains allowed that perishable
foods were better used by the hungry, and wrote their losses off almost
immediately. I don't remember reading any condemnation of milk
and food theft. It was the other, Brian. Lots of other. Milk spoils, televisions don't.
Speaking for myself, the real tragedy of Katrina was the stark
portrayal of what nanny gummint has wrought. We read about
past,hurricanes that devastated Nawlins.
There was zero help, nor expectation of it, from the federal;
gummint. Folks did it themselves. It was their home. Who
were the stronger people?
Liberal Cancer.