Friday, August 31, 2007

Muslim Babe

SPF 6000


Anonymous said...

I'll go to my grave wondering why Islamic women put up with the shit that they do.They're browbeaten,pitiful,virtual slaves.It may have taken thousands of years, but all the rest of the women in the world,long ago figured out that they control half the money and all the pussy,a fact that never occurs to the downtrodden gals of the Muslim persuation.One has to assume, I guess, that one day they will figure it out and after hundreds and hundreds of years of torment these poor women wont be in the mood for a 'new direction' and compromise,but will strike with the righteous indignation earned and well deserved and commit mayhem and murder on Mo's men.These holy bastards have treated their women SO bad for SO long that they surely live in fear just as men in the Old South lived in fear of their slaves uprising and slaughtering them all.I'm no longer religious,but if I was a praying person.that's just what I'd pray for.Guess of course that makes me a bad sinner.Oh well. The end DOES justify the means.

Anonymous said...

The thing that gets me is black American women who convert to Islam and now wear the Hijab. And to think my ancestors died fighting to free the slaves just so these stupid (*$#(%$ could crawl right back onto the plantation. Assholes don't deserve freedom. They're too stupid to be free. Might as well be a slave, at least then they'd be doing something useful.

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