Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Presidential Excort Vehicles


I was in DC and in a hurry to get back to the office.  I took the South Capitol Street ramp that would lead me to 295, and was doing some masterful dodging and weaving. Some asshole in a black Mercury (I think) station wagon was playing games with me. Every time I tried to get in front of him the sumbitch sped up. Oh-oh. Road rage was setting in.

There were two guys in the rear jump seat that faced me, and I gave them the finger. It was just about that moment when I noticed the spotlights with a red lens, and then more cars just like that, and then a big black limousine that, JFC!, you will recognize as the Presidential Limo.  HFS, I was jerking the president's (Reagan) Secret Service detail around.  He was headed for Andrews Air Force Base, I read later, for a visit to someplace.  I slowed wayyyyyyyy down and out of sight.

The Secret Service doesn't use the station wagon any more, they use the SUVs you'll see in this video.  I think I was lucky it wasn't Clinton's motorcade I tangled with, that sumbitch would have ordered them to rake me. I know I would have.  I would love to have one of these bad boys.


Anonymous said...

This is Mike Dillon the reloader guy who's a big full auto fan.

See: http://www.dillonprecision.com/

Check out the calendars.


Anonymous said...

For 200 years we did without this kind of military firepower defending the President in civilian travel. It reminds me more of a Roman Dictator than the leader of a free republic. As more power devolves to Washington, the more thay all resemble despots.

gregor said...

Hey, Anonymous, I'd be more than happy to see the Secret Service disbanded, especially if Hillary or one of her ilk gets elected.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Calendar Boy:

The only thing I found was this. I know you must have something better.

Anonymous said...

...methinks it needs to be up-armored. The shooter's legs looked pretty vulnerable thru the side windows.


Anonymous said...

A few years ago, I did some training in a 'burb of Washington DC. Spent a day with select-fire H&K MP5s. Pure firearm bliss -- you never get tired of full auto. At the other extreme were the Barrett 50 BMGs. Like firing a 12ga shotgun on steroids.

Funny story:
We were taking the HMMVs from the impound to the range but had to stop along the way at a 7-11 to pick up some extra smokes, a can of slimjims and a Big Gulp. (breakfast of champions & former Delta Force.)

Picture this: Wash.DC. 9am. A caravan of black HMMVs, with blue & red lights, SWAT Command lettering, sniper platforms and troop transport compartments + a couple Chrysler minivans suddenly pulls into the C-store parking lot. It looked like the biggest gang bust you've ever seen going down! There were some thuggish-looking punks hanging out there when we turned in, but before we even came to a full stop, they were literally diving into their cars, hauling ass every which direction but ours. It was like lifting a rock and watching the cockroaches scatter. They thought they were going to get busted... we just wanted enough Copenhagen to last the day. The bandana-laden punks in the lowrider cars probably pissed themselves. --Jack

(BTW, these were real turbodiesel HMMVs, not the candyass civilian toys with cupholders & CD players. Didn't have shit for top-speed, but even though were were backing up traffic for miles nobody honked or flipped us off. Gee, I wonder why.)

Anonymous said...


Check them out Nice small town American business.
They are just down the road from me.

I'm saving my lunch money to bribe them into letting me tag along on a range day.

Anonymous said...

Don't have to bribe 'em... just offer to clean the guns at the end of the day. Nobody likes that job.

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