Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Russian Commies

"I get that old feeling ... ."

Vlad The Impaler


Geopolitics: Vladimir Putin announces the resumption of strategic bomber patrols as it prepares to display its military prowess at the Moscow Air Show. The Russian military machine is back in business.

The big question is, will he step down in two years as is constitutionally mandated?  I betting nyet.


Anonymous said...

Isn't that Nancy Pelosi that I see third person on the left.

Nonny said...

Naturally, all this is Bush's fault.

You knew that, didn't you?

Anonymous said...

We've got the album cover, now we some outstanding music and I sense another Sgt. Pepper's instant classic.

OregonGuy said...

There is a man with as much, or more power than Putin. In the transition from CCCP, to FSU, to CIS, one man maintained a firm hand on the tiller of Russian life. The reason why anything works in Russia is because of this one man. You can take a peek at this man here.

If he decides Mr. Putin must go, Mr. Putin will go.

Anonymous said...

Deja Snafu, Tovarisch.

Anonymous said...

определенный артикль последний ужин?

OregonGuy said...



Opredyelyenoi artikal poslednee uzheen? Ili posle uzheen?

Ya nee ponimayo. Dalshe?

Anonymous said...


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Hey, you guys aren't running a cell on this blog are you? I don't want to end up boycotted by Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

Rodge - boycotted by Hollywood? Heck, you'll be made a hero!

Anonymous said...

Piroshki. Ummmmm.

Anonymous said...


Haven't been here in quite a while, struggle for the legal tender and all that. I see I have been missing out on the unique worldview promulgated by the King of France and his Minions.

I'm gonna stick around for awhile.


Anonymous said...

Putin's "trouser area" seems to have been airbrushed (rather badly, I might add). But who can blame them -- it's just so unseemly for a portrait to include the US Speaker Of the House giving oral favors to Putin. (Remember, according to Clinton it's not "sex").

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