George Soros, the founding
money-man behind, and contributor to virtually every other
anti-American group that's sprung up on the internet in the past few
years was, as you know, a Nazi collaborator in his youth. A
13 year old Hungarian Jew in 1944, he forged papers and pretended to be
Christian so that he would be saved from the concentration camp when
Nazi Germany took military control over its wavering ally. All
this is common knowledge, of course, but there's an even darker side to
this swinish lout.
The Nazi's were so impressed by young George's anti-Jewish zealotry
that they assigned him to the SS Youth Spy brigade. After
training, his mission was to infiltrate the anti-Nazi Hungarian
partisans, and take pictures of their leaders. Equipped with a
Minox camera, young George had little problem being accepted by the
resistance, and over a period of three months he exposed over 300
photographs of them. His Nazi masters were delighted when he
handed over his rolls of film, but then, almost immediately, he was
sent to a psychiatric unit. After being discharged, young Soros
was assigned to the SS Scavenger Unit where he began helping Nazis
identify and confiscate property of Jews whose fate was a death camp.
What happened to make the Nazi's sour on George's usefulness in the
field, and his interment in a psychiatric unit? It's been a
mystery until now. Diligent perusal of Nazi archives led me to those
300+ developed pictures of the partisan leaders. Here's
one. All of them have similar a focal point.
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  Soros' fascination
An interview with Steve Kroft elicited this exchange.
Steve Kroft: …My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.
George Soros: Yes. Yes.
Steve Kroft: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.
George Soros: Yes. That's right. Yes.
Steve Kroft: I mean, that's .. that sounds like an
experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for
many, many years. Was it difficult?
George Soros: Not-not at all. Not at all. Maybe as a child you don't - you don?t see the connection. But it created no-no problem at all.
Steve Kroft: No feeling of guilt?
George Soros: No.
Steve Kroft: You seem to have a fascination with men's pee-pees.
George Soros: This interview is over.
” |
Much of this is verifiable; some of it not so much.