Thursday, November 22, 2007

First Thansgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!!

The writer's strike prevents morning network news shows from presenting their version of the first Thanksgiving, so I've cobbled one together from Hollywood movies, the History Channel, and my college history class.  


Anonymous said...

LMAO, I heard a different version, but Miss Harmon was probably part of the VRWC.


Anonymous said...

"Start naming sports teams after them ASAP! That'll REALLY put 'em in their place...Yeh, I know the inhumanity will really piss em off, Heh heh."

Anonymous said...

Colligyz? Excellent satire!

Anonymous said...

This is news? Any college kid (or Washington State resident) could tell you this. In fact, Rodger, you'd better be careful the textbook companies don't sue you for plagiarism.

Grumpyunk said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

B....... said...

Rodger - I am thankful for many things on this day. I will list but one from among the top of my list. I am thankful for your perspective on life in general and politics in particular. I have been a visitor to your blog(s) starting just before the 2000 elections. You have honored me several times by posting pictures and other minutia I have submitted. Lest this gets to sappy, let me just say that you have been my flashlight during darker times. You are a true patriot. To you, your family and to the C&S regulars - a very happy Thanksgiving.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

B, thank you.

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