Saturday, December 08, 2007

For starters, he'd have divorced Yoko ...

yeah, well imagine this ...
I just watched a snippet of some PBS retrospective that covered the Eagles, Beatles, etc.  That led to a (obligatory) paean to John Lennon.  After watching him perform "Imagine," the voice somberly intoned -- 

"shortly after this, John Lennon's life was tragically cut short.  We can only imagine what the world would be like today if  he had had lived ... blah-blah-blah".  

Are you shi**ing me?   Let me tell you something -- and yes I did like the Beatle's music but hated their psychedelic tripping and soup noodle Yoko Ono -- but anyone who, even for a second,  ponders that question is the enemy, and I want their voting rights suspended.  JFC! 


Juice said...

High 5!!
I've been taken to task for speaking the likes of this post. Even though the Beatles were my favorites for years, I never understood the god-head status some fans (believers) attributed to Lennon. Ina way, he wrote his own death...
"Happiness is a warm gun,
Bang-bang, shoot-shoot."

Anonymous said...

Love the Beatles' music, Lennon's death was a tragedy, no argument there, but comments like "We can only imagine what the world would be like today if he had lived..." Arrggghhh. Shallow tripe like that makes me barf. People who say or believe that should be deported. They are the enemy for sure, and prolly all think Oprah knows everything too. Suspend voting rights of anyone who watches her or The View regularly.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Um. A few more god-awful solo albums, probably that's about it. You know, he may have surprised a lot people after 9/11 by NOT going batshit lefty nuts. DD

Rodger the Real King of France said...

"Suspend voting rights of anyone who watches [Oprah] ... regularly."


Anonymous said...

Don't sweat it Rodger. There's a difference between watching Oprah, and believing Oprah rules by divine right. I also understand the need for the barn army to gather intelligence on the enemy. Keep 'em close to your belt buckle an' all that.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

One of my recurring nightmares is that the people who made Oprah, The View and Jerry Springer popular also have the right to vote...

Anonymous said...

(Paraphrasing someone more eloquent than me here.)

"Wanna know why I'm an atheist? Five bullets into John, and NONE into Yoko!"

Juice said...

I'm pretty sure I heard Dennis Miller mint that comment. :)

Timbeaux said...

Imagine is one the worst, most communist songs ever written. I love the tune, but ever since I started really listening to the lirics it hasn't been allowed on my radio.

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