Special Report Border Fence Funding Hoax of 2006 and 2007 How Congress And The President Are Working Behind-The-Scenes To Un-Do The Secure Fence Act
UPDATE 12/20--Last
night Congress passed the omnibus Consolidated Appropriations bill --
which includes the Hutchison Amendment that guts the Secure Fence Act.
Last month, Grassfire.org's research staff broke this story. Thanks to
the continued efforts of our team members who made tens of thousands of
phone calls and sent thousands of faxes, the story finally broke
through in the national media.
Net Daily's Jerome Corsi was the first in the media to tackle the
issue. In the days leading up to the final vote, members of Congress
and media outlets were repeating talking points first developed by
Grassfire. As a result, although the bill passed, the Border Fence
Funding Hoax has been exposed. Here is a list of articles and resources
which chronicle how the Funding Hoax was exposed:
Grassfire.org's First Release On Funding Hoax (11/14) World Net Daily (breaks story in media 12/12) Grassfire.org Press Release On Omnibus bill (12/17) Michelle Malkin Washington Times TownHall.com report Lou Dobbs Transcript (12/18) -- search for "Pete King" interview World Net Daily Follow-up story CNS News.com Glenn Beck Transcript (12/19) Investors Business Daily Front Page Magazine