This blog has a full legion of
supporters of digital copyright law, and I am nominally one of
them. However, with each story like this I'm growing more
militant over the heavy handed greed these MoFos exhibit.
I've recently been transferring my home video - HOME VIDEO - from VHS to DVD, and the gyrations I have to go through are enough to make me scream. For instance, if I want to edit one of these DVDs after the fact, I have to copy the entire disk back to my hard drive because SHOWBIZ, the software I used to burn the DVD in the first place, is prohibited from downloading the content directly from disk. Someone at a Christmas party requested a copy of a community video I'd made, and recently transferred. "Sure, in fact I'll do it right now. Just take about 15 mins." Nuh-uh. After four long copy processes aborted at the every end of the 30 minute copy process, I gave up. I know damn well, from past experience, that I'd run afoul of some anti-piracy thingy in the copy program. Don't talk about Apple, either. Try copying your iPod music to disk (no, I am not interested in learning how). And what about these guys? Are you kidding me? How about we go back to sending them to prison? One solution is to poke back. If every person in the freaking world downloaded peer to peer software, and spent a day downloading every song and movie they could get their hands on, it would drive these bastard's compliance and legal fees through the roof. Oh, one more thing is necessary. Each participant who is actually sued by these pricks has to show up in court strapped to the gills with C-4, and blow themselves up whilst standing next to plaintiff's attorneys. In fact, that's prolly a good idea in any tort case. Yes, you'll be dead, but so to is patriot Nathan Hale, and he has schools named after him. |
Thanks to MoFiZiX Gr4FiX for turning me to early whiskey.