Thursday, January 31, 2008

Look! Up in the Air! It's a B-52!

Berkeley council tells Marines to leave

Berkeley Assholes

"I believe in the Code Pink cause. The Marines don't belong here, they shouldn't have come here, and they should leave," said Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates after votes were cast to expel Marine recruiters from town..

This is a small remembrance.  I thought of it after reading about this most recent Berkeley insult to our country. 

Upon being separated from the service, a dear friend decided  to continue his education at Cal Berkeley, instead of returning to Maryland.  It seems odd today, but burning money on long distance phone calls then wasn't  a consideration; we conversed via mail.  In one letter he described a soirée he attended in pursuit of meeting some women. Word got around the hall that GI Joe  had been a Huey gunship pilot in Nam, and a gaggle of them gathered around.  Hero worship?  Berkeley?  Of course not.

Displaying liberal conceit, they assumed Joe was what we would call today John Kerry.  A G.I anxious to curry favor by denouncing the United States as a war monger.  I mean, didn't everyone? 

A hippie lass volunteered that she'd heard from a friend of a friend that American pilots used Vietnamese peasants for target practice.  G.I. Joe replied, with apparent pride, as though he was actually wooing her, that "I had a door gunner who could put a round in mamasan's  forehead from 3 clicks, every time.  Best gunner I ever saw. Goddamn, but he'd love it here."   There was just stunned silence before the posse melted away. 

I hated those hippie mofos then, and still do. That goes double for Master Bates and his Retros. . Click.  Leave town?  Eat me.


Juice said...

Sons o' bitches!
Who's da Easy Rider?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

The C.I.C.

Juice said...

Efing Berkley.
There used to be a time in CA when Bezerkly was known as, "A zoo with all the cage doors open."

Alas, as a Cali res', I long for that conclusion again.

Juice said...

Dude, who's the CIC? Commmander in Charge?

Juice said...

What's going on here with your posts?
Most previous comment was something similar to:
CIC..means, Commander in Charge?

Anonymous said...

"Isnt hard to shoot women and children?"

"Naw, ya just dont lead 'em as much"


Anonymous said...

Over-aged hippies pretending to be adults. Make them all live in some 3rd world shithole for a year and they'll appreciate the protections provided them by the blood of patriots.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Marines and such, one of the posters on my C&R mailing list observed that 40 years ago today, the SHTF in what we now refer to as the Tet Offensive.

Now I REALLY feel old.

David said...

I think that the Marines should heed the Council's request and leave the city. But along with them should go every single penny of Federal Government money that is spent in the city of Berkeley. And I mean every penny, including all federal scholarships or financial aid that is given to any student at UC Berkeley. The united States post office should be closed and all federal services to the city immediately stopped.

Then let the city know that in order to get their government largess back they will have to petition congress for that appropriatioon on a case by case basis.

It is time that idiots like those council twits learn that blind hatred and stupidity has consequences. If you are an elected official who is that stupid and so intent on sharing their stupidity as the Berkeley City Council is, then they should have to face the consequences for their folly.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Don't worry Dave, the Barn Army is programming as we speak.

Anonymous said...

No, no, this is a good thing. We're "this" close to convincing the Berkeley City Council to secede from the rest of the U.S.

Shhh. Don't mess it up for the rest of us . . . .

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