This is a small remembrance. I thought of it after reading about this most recent Berkeley insult to our country. Upon being separated from the service, a dear friend decided to continue his education at Cal Berkeley, instead of returning to Maryland. It seems odd today, but burning money on long distance phone calls then wasn't a consideration; we conversed via mail. In one letter he described a soirée he attended in pursuit of meeting some women. Word got around the hall that GI Joe had been a Huey gunship pilot in Nam, and a gaggle of them gathered around. Hero worship? Berkeley? Of course not. Displaying liberal conceit, they assumed Joe was what we would call today John Kerry. A G.I anxious to curry favor by denouncing the United States as a war monger. I mean, didn't everyone? A hippie lass volunteered that she'd heard from a friend of a friend that American pilots used Vietnamese peasants for target practice. G.I. Joe replied, with apparent pride, as though he was actually wooing her, that "I had a door gunner who could put a round in mamasan's forehead from 3 clicks, every time. Best gunner I ever saw. Goddamn, but he'd love it here." There was just stunned silence before the posse melted away. I hated those hippie mofos then, and still do. That goes double for Master Bates and his Retros. . Click. Leave town? Eat me. |