Monday, January 28, 2008

This is rich

More Fun With The Clintons
When Frank Rich turns on you ... it don't mean all that much.

Bloviating Frank Rich joined lefty bloviators who've turned against the Clintons.  He makes no secret about why/  No, not because she's a liar, a dissembler, a perjurer, a crook and a - did I say liar?  No, that's never bothered Rich in the past.  What bothers him today is, evidently, the pack leaders he decided those things might matter to decent people who aren't foaming-dog democrats.

Absent from this debate is any sober recognition that a Hillary Clinton nomination, if it happens, will send the Democrats into the general election with a new and huge peril that may well dwarf the current wars over race, gender and who said what about Ronald Reagan.

What has gone unspoken is this: Up until this moment, Hillary has successfully deflected rough questions about Bill by saying, “I’m running on my own” or, as she snapped at Barack Obama in the last debate, “Well, I’m here; he’s not.” This sleight of hand became officially inoperative once her husband became a co-candidate, even to the point of taking over entirely when she vacated South Carolina last week. With “two for the price of one” back as the unabashed modus operandi, both Clintons are in play.

For the Republicans, that means not just a double dose of the one steroid, Clinton hatred, that might yet restore their party’s unity but also two fat targets. Mrs. Clinton repeatedly talks of how she’s been “vetted” and that “there are no surprises” left to be mined by her opponents. On the “Today” show Friday, she joked that the Republican attacks “are just so old.” So far. Now that Mr. Clinton is ubiquitous, not only is his past back on the table but his post-presidency must be vetted as well. To get a taste of what surprises may be in store, you need merely revisit the Bill Clinton questions that Hillary Clinton has avoided to date. [The Billary Road to Republican Victory]

Here he was last Sunday. Preaching that "the Romney victory in Michigan is another reminder of how Republicans aren’t even playing in the same multiracial American sandbox."  Running on empty.  Yawn.

Ronald Reagan Is Still Dead
The New York Times ^ | January 20, 2008 | Frank Rich

CONTEMPLATING the Clinton-Obama racial war, some Republicans were so excited you’d have thought Ronald Reagan had risen from the dead to slap around a welfare deadbeat.

Never mind that the G.O.P. is running on empty, with no ideas beyond the incessant repetition of Reagan’s name. A battle over race-and-gender identity politics among the Democrats, with its acrid scent from the 1960s, might be just the spark for a Republican comeback. (As long as the G.O.P.’s own identity politics, over religion, don’t flare up.)

Alas, these hopes faded on Tuesday night. First, the debating Democrats declared a truce, however fragile, in their racial brawl. Then Republicans in Michigan reconstituted their party’s election-year chaos by temporarily revivifying yet another candidate, Mitt Romney, who had been left for dead.

The playing of the race card by Hillary Clinton’s surrogates to diminish Barack Obama was sinister. But the Clintons are hardly bigots, and the Democratic candidates all have a history of fighting strenuously for inclusiveness. By contrast, the Romney victory in Michigan is another reminder of how Republicans aren’t even playing in the same multiracial American sandbox.  ... blah-blah-blah
Let's hear it for Frankie! 
Gimme an A
Gimme an S
Gimme another S
Gimme an H
Gimme an O
Gimme an L
Gimme an E
Whadda you got"

Frank Rich!


Anonymous said...

That picture is great, it says everything that needs to be said about Hillary's experience and accomplishments. Reagan may be dead but I'd still vote for him over Hillary.

Anonymous said...

"Hillary Clinton personally ushered 261 earmarks through Congress this year,nearly 200 more earmarks than the other leading presidential candidates, COMBINED. Her earmarks include more than $300,000 for the Gay Men's Health Center (how sweet) of New York and $1.5 million for the Abyssinian Dev. Corp., a Harlem-based (btw, the Harlem Globetrotters are originally from Chicago) non-profit whose leader gave her presidential campaign a major endorsement last weekend..."

Anonymous said...

You mean she voted? Ooh! I'm impressed.

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