scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Big Floppy

"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- gregor said...
She doesn't look old enough to be holding such a big disc... let alone a floppy one...
2/26/08, 3:04 PM
- BlogDog said...
That girl needs an autoexec cluebat.
2/26/08, 4:42 PM
- AnnoyedOne said...
Hah! Should be an 8" floppy. I remember those. Then again I remember punch cards ;-)
2/26/08, 6:07 PM
- El Jefe said...
Oh, Lord, I've forgotten more Hollerith code than I'll EVER remember!
2/26/08, 6:38 PM
- David said...
I still have nightmares about dropping boxes full of punch cards.
2/26/08, 6:40 PM
- gregor said...
I used to work on an old InterData that used punch tapes. Big as an icebox, lots of Star Trek lights and a huge set of fans. Whee-ha...
2/26/08, 7:28 PM
Anonymous said...
"I've forgotten more Hollerith code than I'll EVER remember!"
Damn! Whole English faculties could get lost in there.
First computer I ever did anything with had a 10KC clock, 10K of memory, and used paper-punch tape loops for its programming. Also had vacuum tubes.
Is that code anything like Baudot? I had to be familiar with that for workin on various teletype crypto circuits, such as KW-26s, KW-7s, 37s, and on and on.
Damn we're a buncha old bastards. -
2/26/08, 7:29 PM
Anonymous said...
I could read a punch tape and punch cards better than most people read a book today...'course I taught IBM DOS Assembler Language....after two weeks as a student...on an 8K Univac. Anybody seen my Viagra anywhere?
2/26/08, 8:48 PM
Anonymous said...
Gah .... I as in the last class at PSU that had to learn how to punch cards and use JCL ... in 1980 fer Christ's sake ... shudder.
28 nested GOSUB instructions caused that Honeywell 60 system to crash and burn permanently ... and after I crashed it, they no longer had a mainframe that needed punched cards.
And 10 years later, when they learned that I did it, they froze my transcripts ... they were still POed ... heh. -
2/26/08, 11:54 PM
Anonymous said...
When I die, I'm gonna leave my jerk brother my entire eight-track collection.
- DougM -
2/27/08, 11:13 AM