Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dirty People

Evergreen College Campus Extravaganza


Anonymous said...

Man, that's a lot of self loathing there.


Anonymous said...

The poor dogs deserve better! DD

Anonymous said...

They manage to get smokes, piercings, tattoos and booze, but........, but...... they don't have affordable health insurance!Booohooohoooo waaaaaahhhh. OMFG, where are Shrillary, Osamabama, and the Cape Cod Orca when they are really needed?
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

An apossum? Freakin' savages. Now I know the what the early stages of a homeless "will work for food" person's life is like. I have to assume there are very large quantities of LSD, pot, and other chemicals involved in that lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

Those people do not know how to skin a possum.

Dayum city boys . . . .

Here, let me do it.

Anonymous said...

Hail-yeah! 'Dems da kind o folk what I likes 'a hang out wit.
Cannon Man

Anonymous said...

Between the obligatory MD 20/20 shot and the possum, I'm thinking that there's a lot of staged photography going on ... Vice Sgt Boone

Anonymous said...

As a photographer, I can tell you (based on little clues like composition, exposure, and saturation) that every single one of those was taken by either a pro photographer or a pretty damned good photography student. It's just a damned pity that the artist chose to debase their skill by using it on those subjects.

Posed? At least some of them.

Anonymous said...

Dogs should not be forced to live under those conditions. The people choose their path. I am especially displeased to see that most of the dogs are Blue Heelers or B-H mixes, one of the most noble of man's companions.


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