Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Chelsea's Tee


AnnoyedOne said...

Who's bringing the popcorn? ;-)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

...and I look like Webb Hubbell

Juice said...

"Tears on my pillow......" :) ah,yeah

Anonymous said...

(snort)LOL! Beautiful!

I have fantasies about Hillary having a total meltdown during a debate or at the convention, ranting and raving at Obama and calling him politically incorrect names. It's fun and it's really not hard to picture, try it.

Annoyed White Male

Rodger the Real King of France said...

There is much reason to believe that throughout their careers the Clintons have had in their orbit "friends" who anticipated the "need," for some threat to "disappear," and were willing to make it happen. I would not be shocked if one or the other made a specific request this time, in regard to Obama. What a circus would follow that. Bring on the clowns. That's my fantasy.

pdwalker said...

Chelsea for President because her Father needs some lovin!

Anonymous said...


A1, you KNOW I have the popcorn!


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