Tuesday, February 26, 2008

On Time Arrivals

On time ...whoops.  Late.

A  mother and her very young son were flying Westjet  Airlines  from  Ottawa to Calgary. The little boy who had been  quietly  looking out the window, turned to his  mother  and said,  "If big  dogs have baby dogs, and big cats have baby cats, why don't  big  airplanes have baby airplanes?"

The mother who couldn't think  of an answer, told her son to go ask the flight attendant. So  the boy  walked down the aisle and asked the flight attendant who was  busy  serving drinks. She smiled and asked, "Did your Mom tell you  to  ask me?" The boy answered, "Yes, she did." "Well, then, you go  and tell your Mom that there are no baby airplanes because  Westjet  always pulls out on time. Have your Mom explain that to  you."


Anonymous said...

Man I love WestJet. I have two friends working there, they have a lot of praise for that airline.

Juice said...

TFV!! You are the bomb, indeed. Love it! And. Gonna repeat same to my friends. CLAP*CLAP* :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you liked it - just passing it on from one friend to another!


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