Friday, February 29, 2008

More goofy but dangerous bastids

The Democrat's Gift
Obama's an empty vessel, but don't dare say it.

If Obama is the nominee, any criticism of him as an utterly inexperienced uber leftist will be tagged racist. What else could it be?  Yesterday we heard a Time Magazine editor tell us that inexperience is actually an advantage .     Today we have an example of the more generic party tool, portraying any criticism as  Republican hate machine programming.  .e.g.

How to hate Barack Obama

Right now, deep in the GOP dungeons, they're planning their racist, disgraceful assault. Whatever will it be?

Friday, February 29, 2008

No, the problem for GOP strategists is not how to inflame the troglodytic, Limbaugh/Coulter-grade sects of the party who, assuming Obama goes the distance, are already hugely terrified of the notion of a black liberal president, given how he'll surely be a slippery slope straight to gay marriage and rampant lesbianism in schools and hourly shriekings to Allah as everyone's forced to give up their guns and drive a hybrid moped to the tofu store.

The true difficulty facing the GOP's henchmen in the coming months will be how to get those who are just a tiny bit smarter, calmer, less easily swayed, those on the right who might actually be a bit impressed and charmed by Obama's obvious intelligence and oratory power, to hate him, fear him, find his genuinely moving brand of hope and inspiration to be suspicious and problematic and even deeply dangerous. [blah-blah-blah]

It's senseless to try reason with these fanatics. Thank god we have a plan
Nuke the Bastids!


Anonymous said...

This pointy headed fool doesn't realize the White Blue Coller Democrats were tought at a very young age, to never vote for blacks.

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious. We Republicans are the haters. Yeah sure. Lots of projection there from Mr. Morford. I'm lovin' every minute of it.

The Dems are nominating a guy who can't win because he's a radical-left empty suit with a harpy wife who makes Theresa Heinz look normal. But let's have fun with these idiots.

Hey Morford, your guy's middle name is HUSSEIN and we're going to torture you with it. Not because we give a shit, but just because it will drive people like you apoplectic. HUSSEIN, nyah, nyah, nyah! DD

Anonymous said...

Where is the Obama "gravitas" argument? Obama has NO gravitas! It was used in the 2000 race against then Gov. Bush by almost every MSM outlet? Of course, I know that bringing this up is silly. The MSM probably doesn't remember what it said then.

Anonymous said...

I give it the blue ribbon for "Biggest steaming pile of fatuous bullshit".

Keep your eye on this guy. I predict he'll have a great future on MSNBC, CNN, etc. He's just the kind of spittle-lipped blustering clown that they love.


Anonymous said...

I don't believe that the GOP will have any trouble at all with "those who are just a tiny bit smarter, calmer, less easily swayed". They all know better than to vote for a Democrat in the first place. The tough part will be getting those people to see the difference between B. Hussein and McRino.

Anonymous said...

At the risk of repeating myself, and even saying the same thing twice ('cause I know I sent it somewhere but don't remember exactly where that somewhere was). . . .

Anybody who's been in the military or a large corporation or a football team or any big organizational structure knows that rookies NEVER are thrown to the lions while their diplomas are still moist in their hands. Can they contribute? Sure, not often, but sometimes they can see things differently simply because they haven't been contaminated yet. That's why managers have advisors, and why advisors occasionally consult second-stringers, has-beens, and novices.

Heismann-winner QBs in the NFL go thru at LEAST a coupla years' internship before playing in a meaningful game. Butter bars in the military are watched and guided closely by senior non-coms until they make O-3 or so. And summa cum laude grads from Ivy League business-administration factories do NOT start out as partners. In fact, they're watched with great suspicion and concern for how much trouble their ignorance could actually cause even as someone's clerk.

Anonymous said...

That was a tongue-in-cheek parody of the warped thinking of an unhinged leftist. It had to be.

I looked for a disclaimer saying it was satire, but I couldn't find one. Probably just an oversight.

Anonymous said...

Just good sense to lay out one's name in the most advantageous way....L.Ron Hubbard for example had the first name of "Loopy".....See what I mean?

Anonymous said...

gay marriages and rampant lesbianism OR hourly shriekings to Allah. Get it through your head numbnuts...these concepts do NOT coexist, no matter how hard you wish for your dreams to come true.

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