Sunday, March 02, 2008

Dr. Seuss's Birfday

Horry Clap!
Dr Seuss had a serious side

In looking over Dr. Seuss cartoons for this post, I was struck by the similarity in theme from way back when and today. Judging from the message, not much has changed.

Today, we have Cindy Sheehan, back then we had Charles Lindbergh. and back then, they called themselves "The America First Committee." Basically, they were isolationists, and they opposed America's involvement in WWII. They didn't care who died overseas, as long as they had ice in their martinis here in the states. [Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss]

Here's stuff you prolly didn't know about Maj/Cpl. Linda SOG.  She's the IDF military attaché  to the Barn Army, and I've seen her cut the balls of a Taliban in Afghanistan because he blurted out "Inna mal usri, yusraan."  (she is the only female to go on a mission with duToit and me). We found out later the guy was wishing her "peace and a safe journey," but you get the idea.  Don't get on her wrong side.  PS - Linda was the Israeli Playboy Playmate of the year in 1992, but that's immaterial.


Peter said...

Actually, Rodge, there is a big difference between Lucky Lindy and the current batch. Once we got into the war Lindy did everything he could to hasten our victory. He helped lay out several trans-Antlantic and trans-Pacific air routes and then went to the Pacific Theater and shot down a couple of Nipponese aircraft.

Many, perhaps most, Americans had no desire to get involved with that war. After we did get involved many disagreed with FDR's Germany first plan. The difference that they argued and then, once the decision was made, got with the program.

Anonymous said...

Joe Kennedy might be a more apt comparison.
Lindy actually went and helped train our P-38 Lightning pilots on long range flying. These guys were tapped to take out Yamamto-which they did qite well.

Anonymous said...

Horry Clap Rodg, I didn't know that story was declassified! Why am I always the last to know.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I had to declassify it ... the story is in my about to be published autobiography.

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