scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
What a sap! A damn enabler to boot.
You and I are too cynical Juice ... I was waiting to read about the guy being found with his throat slit. What a difference 40 years of hard core liberalism make on us.
Julio didn't tell it all...There was the offer of a warm place to sleep later..and the blowjob.
Add the truth of JMcD's comment, and we all be the cynical. Life's lessons are real, not hypothetical; hence, school of cynicism.
Yannow, I have to disagree. I really felt that this was a warm, and heart lifting story.
The guy might just have made a difference in the kids life. It makes me feel good that there are people like him out there.
Me, though, I would have taken the amateur's knife from him and placed it firmly in his quadruceps.
Same sorta "Life Lesson", just a different tactic......
S'why I posted it. We are in fact a Frank Capra nation gone corrupt by liberalism that tranlsates this man's act of kindness into mandatory government policy.
Aw..You guys...You're right of course...Years ago, when I was a kid attending the Saturday afternoon matinee at the Princess theatre,during a particularly scary Johnny Mack Brown cowboy movie, with all the frightful 'jumping off of horses scenes' and the yodeling and all, a kind gentleman sat down next to my cousin and I and started to rub my leg and offer me chewing gum,you know,just to offer an adult's reassuring hand and all,an calm my fears,and I reacted badly by slamming him accross the chest just as hard as I could and telling him to "get the hell oughtta here!"....I've often, over the years wondered what harm I may have done to this kindly man and how I may have made him fearful of any contact with children ever after that day.................Nah..Screw that bastard.
on a happier note:
THIS is how to handle knife wielding yuts:
Police: Teen makes mistake of trying to rob former U.S. Marine
Bay City News Service
Article Launched: 03/27/2008 10:39:20 AM PDT
SANTA ROSA - A boy in his mid-teens learned Wednesday afternoon that it is not a good idea to try to rob a former U.S. Marine at knifepoint, even if the former Marine is 84 years old, police said today.
Santa Rosa police Sgt. Steve Bair said that's what happened around 2 p.m. in the 1600 block of Fourth Street. The elderly man was walking with a grocery bag in each arm when the boy approached him with a large knife, Bair said.
The boy said, "Old man, give me your wallet or I'll cut you," Bair said. The man told the boy he was a former Marine who fought in three wars and had been threatened with knives and bayonets, Bair said.
The man then put his bags on the ground and told the boy that if he stepped closer he would be sorry. When the boy stepped closer, the man kicked him in the groin, knocking him to the sidewalk, Bair said. The ex-Marine picked up his grocery bags and walked home, leaving the boy doubled over, Bair said.
The man reported the attempted robbery to police 45 minutes later.
Bair said the teen is described only as 15 or 16 years old. Anyone with information is asked to call the Police Department.
He's lucky the Marine didn't keep kicking him.
I hesitate to bring it up, but
Luke 6:29
Father forgive me
I have to admit to having really mixed feelings about this story. Perhaps it is because I first read about it the morning after reading this story .
This is a kid whose twin played club soccer with my son, whom I had seen at many games, cheering on his brother who died for no reason. I mean, he did everything right as far as I know and is still dead.
Yeah this happy ending one is a nice story, but OTOH, I really didn't need to have a co-worker send it to me just after me telling her about this shooting in Richmond so perhaps I'm being touchy. Maybe I just have a bad attitude.
If I'm just ranting...well.. please overlook me.
I gotta comment on that picture.
"To the Batmobile, Robin!"
"Right on, Batman!"
The dynamic duo shoots down the Batpole and takes off down the BatTunnel toward the BatCavern, where the Batmobile sits waiting.
Batman says, huffing and puffing a little "Boy Wonder... just a second." He stops, hands on knees, breathing heavily.
Robin says: "Aw, gee Batman, just like last night, in the BatBedroom...."
Batman said, "Hey, you ungrateful whelp, I've brought Batgirl into our little BatParty to keep you interested in our midnight BatThrustings. Ok, I'm ready, let's go!"
They take off running again to the BatMusic, but 50 feet later Batman stops again. His face is pale. He collapses against the wall and sinks to the floor. "Boy Wonder... go on without me... save the world."
Robin flips down his cell phone, hanging up. "That was the Commish. The perpetrators have already gotten away. Let's head back up. I've got some poppers and viagra for you, old man." Under his breath he mutters, "... and maybe that'll make ya kick the bucket this time, and I can finally inherit."