Saturday, March 29, 2008

Protection Rackets

Music Tax Details: “Pay Us Not To Sue You”

You be our bitches

Music Tax

We learned yesterday that Warner Music, the third largest music label, is gunning for a $5/month music tax on U.S. residents.

The tax will not, in fact, be mandatory. But that is misleading - it won’t be mandatory for ISPs who provide Internet access to actual users. But if ISPs join the scheme, it will apply to all of their customers and be added to their bill as a surcharge.

Why will ISP’s agree to this? Mainly to avoid liability. The core of the plan is a covenant not to sue anyone who pays the fee. Griffin touched on this in the article, saying ISPs will want to “discharge their risk” around file sharing that occurs over their networks.

The rollout plan will hit colleges and universities first, who will simply add the fee to tuition bills ... 


Anonymous said...

Sounds like they're just asking to be sued.... doesn't a basic core concept of this country remain that we are INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY?????

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Jesse Jackson would be proud of this shakedown operation.

Anonymous said...

It could be good. Once you are 'pre' absolved, you can download all you want. Help yourself. Its like an 'all you can eat' buffett.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Yeah, kind of Medicare for downloaders. What if I don't want to participate?

Anonymous said...

Vito would be so proud....

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