Monday, March 31, 2008

John McCain is ... *sputter*

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change ...

I hate McCain

Excerpt from Senator McCain's speech to the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles, March 26, 2008

MCCAIN:  America must be a model citizen if we want others to look to us as a model.  How we behave at home affects how we are perceived abroad.  We must fight the terrorists and at the same time defend the rights that are at the foundation of our society.  We can't torture or treat inhumanely suspected terrorists we have captured.  I believe we should close Guantanamo and work with our allies to forge a new international understanding on the disposition of dangerous detainees under our control.

We need to be good stewards of our planet and join with other nations to help preserve our common home.  The risks of global warming, the risks of global warming have no borders.  We and the other nations of the world must get serious about substantially reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the coming years, or we will hand off a much diminished world to our grandchildren.  We need a successor to the Kyoto treaty, a cap-in-trade system that delivers the necessary environmental impact in an economically responsible manner.  We Americans must lead by example and encourage the participation of the rest of the world.

*sputter* *purple rage*  *criminally obscene thoughts* *JMCIAMFCSPOSAIWHWD!*


Anonymous said...

I just ordered a couple of those bumper stickers for my truck and the wives SUV but the more that a**hole talks the more that I think that the sticker is't quite right.


Anonymous said...

oooops...that should be WIFE in the singular, possessive.

Like I don't have enough problems....arrrrrgh.


Anonymous said...

(Fingers in ears 'til next January)La, la, la, la, la.....

Anonymous said...

I know I love my country and I do not hate McCain. I am sinoly revolted by the fact he is the alternative to the trash in the democrap party. His ignorance is colossal to say the least. You would think the idiot would be able to reason and learn but his own legend and arrogance has made him the perfect fool at the perfect time.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to cap-and-trade his sorry lying liberal ass.

Anonymous said...

I've got a new campaign slogan:

McCAIN: Right on 3 out of 10 issues


McCAIN: Because we can't afford another Ginsberg

Anonymous said...

I won't vote for McCain. But I will vote for his VP choice. I just hope it isn't Lindsey Graham.

Anonymous said...

Now, now, Linda. Don't throw a temper tantrum or be an ideological purist or blibbity blobbity blah poo blah etc etc...

Up until a couple of months ago, I didn't realize that so many Republicans were such condescending buttholes. I foresee an upcoming mass exodus from conservative and right-leaning blogs due to the animosity between the "I absolutely will not vote for an economy-wrecking, sovereignty-surrendering scumbag" and "Just bend over and eat the shit sandwich" factions.

Anonymous said...

Whoops. I left off "free speech-stifling," among others.

Anonymous said...

Yep he is all of the above.

Anonymous said...

Oh pooh Herr Blücher, that's already happened. Way too many of my blogger "friends" have called me everything in the book, including a liberaal scumbag for not supporting McCain.

sigh. Call me what you will, I still won't vote for McCain.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Me neither Linda. But I will vote for his VP.

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