Sunday, March 02, 2008

Liberal Guilt

Liberals are guilt ridden about everything ...
and we pay for it.

Which begs the question:

Why Are Most Blacks in America Democrats?


Anonymous said...

Because LBJ & every Dumbocrap since promised stuff for free (they're just "helping") in a Great Society, and the pit they dug gets deeper and deeper with each generation, becoming more and more difficult to climb out as each generation gets more dumbed down and more dependent. The professional race baiters make a comfortable living off this, and they and their political buddies have a vested interest in keeping it that way, so the only part of their "clients" institutional memory kept alive and passed on to the next generation is the "our rights" and "oppression" part.
Wearisome isn't it?
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that they're going to free them from the liberal plantation?


Anonymous said...

I have 3 pretty good friends that are black. The one my age is just cynicaled out. Hates both parties although he has a fairly conservative outlook, pretty much just wants to be left alone. But realizes the likes of the poverty pimps(Jesse and rap are very bad for blacks. Raised his children well, both are professionals

My other two friends, whom are 20+ years younger, were raised with ADC, food stamps, the whole range of social welfare garbage. Sadly they, without the slightest bit of shame or hesitation feel they are entitled to this. And more. Naturally they hate Bush, hate Republicans, are immeshed in this destructive hip-hop culture and are teaching this very same crap to their children.

Over the past few years, I've been seeing them less and less. Sad as I known them since they were little boys.

Anonymous said...

Just brilliant, Rodger!

Asshats, the lot of them. DD

Anonymous said...

I worried over that question for long enough to try and figure it out. FDR is the answer.

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