Monday, March 24, 2008

Whence Liberal Intransegence?

The answer is bigotry.
Ann Telnaes Smug, Sassy, and Stupid

The purpose of this column is to understand those liberals who cannot be reasoned with, the ones who wholly dispense of facts and logic, even when they’ve previously demanded it, and who would most likely discount the fact that the sky is blue, were it a part of a conservative platform.  Understanding the reason for this absurd, yet all too common behavior, is the only way to truly know how to effectively dialogue with them. [cont. Liberal bigots, biased mindsets]

Whatever it is, my nomination for Liberal poster girl is cartoonist Ann Telnaes, whose work is infused with the characteristic  "Smug-Sassy and Stupid" hallmark of insular Liberalism.


Anonymous said...

"discount the fact that the sky is blue, were it a part of a conservative platform. "

For the rest of the world, it is!!!

The "Vast right wing conspiracy" is elsewhere called "The big blue machine" by the REDS, also known
as BOLCHEVIKS, or Jacobines, colorados, marxist-leninists, socialists,
Izquierdistas, leftards, new age,

It just show their control over the media that they can change the rules at will and conservatives are dumb enough to go along...

Ming the Merciless

Anonymous said...

Sent this out today as a mini-rant. Seems to fit here as well as anywhere:

The typical liberal pundit or spokesperson always seems to speak from a position which is at once irritatingly smug, aggravatingly condescending, and unbearably enlightened. To anyone who actually knows what’s going on, they come across as tragically hip, startlingly ignorant, and suicidally proletarian.

What constantly amazes me, however, and provides a bottomless well of amusement, is how half of them can so fervently and loyally support and defend a posturing, lying, hypocritical pair of shiftless, good-for-nothing, unindicted felons for the most powerful office in the free world.

Even more astonishing, and equally entertaining, is how the other half can so rabidly advocate and blindly sanction a completely inexperienced, untrained, uninitiated neophyte whose credentials boil down to a little more than a slender waist, a well-modulated voice, and a stable of artful speechwriters.

Struggling to identify the fundamental strategies driving nominations for both parties in this presidential cycle, all I can come up with is that half the Democrats want the place to be controlled by Don and Dona Corleone while the other half wants to begin the playoffs with an exhausted team led by a rookie quarterback. On the other side, the Republicans apparently have been intimidated by liberal whining and gridlock to the point that they’re willing to bet the farm on a double agent.

How anyone can genuinely believe that Hillary Clinton’s being vaguely near her husband during his 8-year tenure of eminently questionable value qualifies her for leadership or diplomacy or management is simply inconceivable to me. That’s rather like saying since I’ve watched football games on TV, I could be a successful NFL coach.

And as for Obama, everyone in our mainstream media seems to think he is an intelligent, articulate, fresh young man of great promise. All I can say about that is someone apparently made a typographical error, because so far he has been only a generalizing, circumlocuting, rope-a-dope wannabe of great promises for which he has no practical means to fund.

By the time our modern politicians have campaigned for and been in office a few years, they’ve played so many different roles that they could populate all of Gresham’s novels with several stock characters left over. I just hope we never get to the point that any Clinton shows up on coins or a jug-eared face appears on Mt. Rushmore.

What the hell are the talking heads gonna do for 20 days or so until the next “SuperTuesday” primaries? Geeez, they might hafta fall back on the old “If it bleeds, it leads” Iraq handwringing. In fact, if I were a betting man, I’d say that’ll be way up there on CBS, NBC, ABC, and MSNBC tonite.

Anonymous said...

He states the purpose of this column is to deal with liberals that can't be reasoned with because there are liberals that(apparently) can be reasoned with.

Hel-lllooo. Liberals continue to believe in welfare states as viable, when tax rates go up, no one will alter their behavior, government schools are turning out good students, our universities have ideological balance, gun control equates with less gun crime, global cooling, oh wait, global warming...Sheesh the list goes on

Despite countless real life examples of every one of these policies being utter failures, and more too, liberals will argue forcefully for further implementation of these policies. What else can you do? They selectively quote stats, twist history, distort facts.

Really, read Robert Kennedy's column yesterday on RealClear about the responsibility of oil companies. To link with your earlier piece on IQ Rog, you'd assume that Mr Kennedy is fairly intelligent, I've heard him speak. He uses liberal thought processes to logically(to him) make his points. But he is nucking futz. He's a socialist and he skews everything, history, stats and facts, to conform to his world view.

I'm well past the point of trying to make my case with these morons. I'm out of patience and ready to assume the belly gunner position(my dad's position) on the next B-17 run. It's the only way, they want a country that is a 180 from what we want.

Anonymous said...

It is simply impossible to reason with a liberal. That is why they are a scumbag liberal.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'd pay $20 for a lap dance from Ann Telnaes.

ricpic said...

I don't get the satire. Whites are enslaved.

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