Friday, April 18, 2008


Leave me the #&#% alone or the chicken gets it.

MoSup just now had on the television another of those interminable "get organized and save a half-hour a day" BSMFers.  I left.  Let me tell you about getting organized.  I used to keep every MF manual for every MF tool, appliance, electronics, game and miscellaneous MFer in a kitchen drawer.  There were dozens of the MFers in that drawer, but when I needed to find out how to reset the oven clock, it took me under 60 seconds to find the Gaggenau booklet and reset that MFer.  Now, thanks to these MF neatness nazis that pervade our society,  that entire drawer's contents are three-ring punched, and spindled in about three over packed binders hidden away some-fkn place, I don't know where.  I have no idea where any of my shit is.  It's driving me insane.

Now you know why I'm just posting pictures.  Now you know why I'm only wearing  my holstered 1911 the past two days.  Now you know why people speed up when they pass my house. 



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chicken dinner, but remember to be sure of your target AND what's beyond. No point in shooting yourself in the hand over a walking vegetable. (insert smiley here)

Bob Hawkins said...

Yeah, I just throw everything in a big cardboard box. Then I know where it is: in the cardboard box. And I know where the box is, 'cause it's big.

Turing word: "hoonpwf". Doesn't suck as much as most of them.

Anonymous said...

"Hold it!...Stay back everbody....She's gonna pop a cap on 'im!"

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