Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Clinton misdirection number 62,182

Bad, poopy people

You've prolly seen this, but it just makes me feel good to say, for the thousandth time -- "The Clintons are psychopaths."
 INDIANAPOLIS — Hillary Clinton loves to tell the story about how the Chinese government bought a good American company in Indiana, laid off all its workers and moved its critical defense technology work to China.

It’s a story with a dramatic, political ending. Republican President George W. Bush could have stopped it, but he didn’t.

If she were president, Clinton says, she’d fight to protect those jobs. It’s just the kind of talk that’s helping her win support from working-class Democrats worried about their jobs and paychecks, not to mention their country’s security.

What Clinton never includes in the oft-repeated tale is the role that prominent Democrats played in selling the company and its technology to the Chinese. She never mentions that big-time Democratic contributor George Soros helped put together the deal to sell the company or that the sale was approved by her husband's administration.


AnnoyedOne said...

FYI Brit Hume on FoxNews's Special Report just covered this.

Anonymous said...

Hillary sucks........
Get a rope.........


Anonymous said...

Wait....Soros sucks also.......
Get another rope.....two ropes, two hangings.....saves time....


Anonymous said...

And, she will punish the eeeeevil oil companies. Mo' tax! Mo' tax!

Smegma, that's what she is.

Anonymous said...

8:00PM EST Hillary on Bill O'Reilly

Anonymous said...

Hillary: "You folks stooo-pud! bwa ha!"


Anonymous said...

PICTURE: "NO!..NO!..For the love of Marx, Don't strike that match!".................And he did't even crap...That's just the natural essence of Soros...Foul bastard.

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