Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sowell Brothers


A commenter referred to this passage, by Thomas Sowell.
When I see the worsening degeneracy in our politicians, our media, our educators, and our intelligentsia, I can’t help wondering if the day may yet come when the only thing that can save this country is a military coup.
Read the whole article, Don't Get Weak..  Answer, agree or disagree?  For myself, that time prolly arrived in 1973, when the left engineered the Nixon coup d'etat.  It was nothing less than that. 

Just yesterday I was chatting with a friend who built a second home on Deep Creek Lake, in  Garret County, MD.  Garret County is 3,360 feet above sea level in some places, and the residents may properly be called "mountain folk."  When Greg started building there 10 years ago, there were basically no zoning laws in Garret, and almost no real estate tax.  After two or three years, the natives decided Greg was an okay sort, and deigned to talk to him.

"Do you hunt Gregg?  Do you own guns?"
"Good.  We like people here to have guns.  When the time comes, there's just three roads we have to close down, and there ain't nobody getting in here."

Recently, a lot of retirees from the Washington area have moved there, for the summer.  The first thing they did was notice there were few of the amenities they were used to, so they ran for office.  Ain't nobody giving it great thought.  Mistake.  This year Greg paid more property taxes in Garret County than he did in Anne Arundel, and that's saying something.  The natives are more than a tad pissed, finally, and will hopefully take back their gummint.  I hope they don't get weak.


Anonymous said...

Is the Honi-Honi (sp?) bar still open? We used to have a blast there back in the '80s.

Anonymous said...

Right here we see Mr. Palance enjoying a Guinness with some of the guys.He was sure a nice fellow....Huh?..Wha?.....That's NOT Jack?...Dang.

Juice said...

OMgosh, JMcD, you're right! Jack Palance look alike. He was a great character though, wasn't he? :)

Anonymous said...

Just yesterday, Sweetie and I were trying to figure out when the USA started turning. The cancer only really became noticable out here in the red states(fly over country) about 25 years ago. That's when schools became mostly outcome based, whole language, or whatever colleges were calling it at the time.

I feel too old to help. Or, maybe just disheartened by all of the brain washed or brain dead voters.


Anonymous said...

I'm ashamed to admit it, but it was our generation that started to really fuck things up - starting with the "If I want it, it must be a right" to education.

They've since inculcated these ideals in their kids, who in turn are teaching their grandkids.

Makes me want to puke!

Anonymous said...

Walter Williams likes to note how the President and each Member takes an oath to defend the Constitution; and breaks the oath in about one day. Do you still get to keep the office if you break an oath required to assume the office?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Clinton managed, didn't he?

Anonymous said...

Agree. The feeling for me has been one of creeping suspicion that a coup of some sort was coming. Tim McVeigh was just a harbinger. I worked with a retired FBI agent at one time and had a similar conversation. He has about 15 years of age/experience on me and his belief was that the decline of the US began about the time of the Civil Rights movement/Gun Control Act 1968. He proceded to give me names and facts which escape me at this time. I guess we'll call it a 40 year slide that becomes exponential as time passes due to public education/immigration in this country. - Vice Sgt Boone

Anonymous said...

The rot goes back further than you think, to the beginning of the Twentieth century in fact. Check out "Liberal Fascism" for the whole ugly story.

Anonymous said...

See how all the guys in the picture have wet clothes...They're the team that pulls the winners off the losers in the 'girlie' wet T shirt rassling matches, Friday nites at Sweeny's Sports Bar & Grill.....Membership in the team was up for bids...These boys paid $50.00 each.

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