Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The first thing that comes to mind ... Hollywood a** holes


Anonymous said...

"...shhhhh...alright everyone..quiet..shh...Leo,stay dowm dammit...shhh..they're following her as we wait til they get out of the trucks and start snapping photos, then it's chowtime...think it's Japanese today...Ymmmmm....."

Anonymous said...

Her Filthyness on the campaign trail with her faithful press corps in tow.

Anonymous said...

There was a lot of jostling as the pack broke for the home stretch.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I went on this safari and all's I got was this lousy cat butt.

The Wandering Ministerial said...

Reminds me of the televised OJ Simpson 'big car chase'.

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