Saturday, April 26, 2008

McC*** S*****


This, and the fact that NC Republicans caved and pulled the Obama ad,caused me just now to think the unthinkable thought.  It sped through my mind so fast I couldn't stop it.   It's so horrible, I can only write it here in secret invisible ink. "Hillary may be preferable to McCain."  I know.  But JFC, if even the thought can enter my head, think what  .. no it's too horrible.  Here's one more thing, in invisible ink. Drop fucking dead Manchurian boy.


Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad, Rodger, there isn't a Conservative out there who hasn't had similar thoughts. In my case I'd just change the words "preferable to" to "indistinguishable from". Regarding your second unthinkable thought, maybe he will - God willing.

Every other once in a while his apologists like Sean Hannity get me around to thinking, "Maybe I should go ahead and vote for the bastard." About the only thing they have, really, is the SCOTUS appointments thing. Then he comes along, opens his mouth and reminds me of why I swore that I would never vote for him. That SOB would probably take his suggestions for nominees from Hairy Reed and Nasty Plopsy.

B....... said...

They all laughed when Barr sat down at the piano - ahhh but when he began to play....

Anonymous said...

Excellent B.... .


Anonymous said...

I'm in the camp that believes Mac is playing rope-a-dope with the press to keep that ad story (and the ad) alive on the national stage to damage Obama. AND he's playing to the Reagan Democrats and independents with this and the recent Bush bashing. I don't like it either, but there it is. Politics.

Just hold your nose and pull the lever in November, because if you think McCain's SCOTUS picks won't be a whole lot better than Obama's or Hillary's, you're crazy. And THAT'S what this upcoming election is all about. Do you really want three more Ruth Bader Ginsbergs on the bench? I sure as hell don't. DD

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Occam says he's just a very stupid hot headed asswipe.

Anonymous said...

Okay, that too. DD

Juice said...

The more McCain opens his mouth, the more he becomes McCain't. No nose holding, no lever. Like I stated before, my hypocrisy only goes so far (Tombstone). I see three Liberals running.

Anonymous said...

Her Filthiness? You outta narcotics er sumfin?

Think: Supreme Court. National Health Care. Tax cuts repealed. Universal disgrace for pulling out of the mideast. Huge danger for Israel. Ethanol. It takes a village.

"I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president."

Anonymous said...

Ok, let's hypothesize together.

SCENE: 2010
CUE: f/x

POTUS Hillary [disregard the throw-up on the keyboard and press on] is insulted that Ach[phlegm]madinijihad won't meet with her cus she's "just a woman," finds her FBI file on him and proceeds to Ft. March Park the little freekazoid.

could have potential....


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